So I have been trying dumb stuff with bots on the ps4 re release and the tube on Lunarcy that connects most of the map to the sub little area you can actually get out of bounds using the vacuum weapon that removes the enemy weapon and launches them if you rub the exit tube against the tunnel wall. I don't think this matters besides gate relay as you would be running into enemies and you can get trapped if the AI accidentally stack cars to the point of it ruining your run or using the bug to get a better time and less interactions. Since this weapon is the cause of the bug i will be updating this page with map and location with all possible bound breaker.
Hey everyone!
As of yesterday, I was assigned as the moderator for this game due to the prolonged absence of the previous moderator. To that moderator: please let me know if you would like to be made a moderator again; the site moderator removed both you and the other (whom appeared to have a histo