The Python program didn't make the difference. I did. Mid run. Found a better route by selling stuff at the right moment while waiting for portals xD Also better clicking than the last time, was already on WR pace with old route.
Here's the spreadsheet with the new route with selling stuff: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1PuC27DsuMvH5ZVH402Lf8_DUnKj85UFb7cdmZ8cerkM
Here's the python program I used for the base route (can be optimized): https://replit.com/@DHASPEEDRUNS/HARDCORE?v=1
IRL Speedruns
SRC has come up with an IRL section. All IRL cooking backing speedruns will commence there moving forward. Please follow the boards if you're interested in IRL cookie backing speedruns.