New Management, suggestions, and the future
5 years ago

Hi! I guess it's about time to make some points about the last few developments in this LB.

AS of about 5 days ago, magmapeach has stepped down from moderation and handed the leaderboards to both thunderzap7 and me. We had felt the leaderboards deserved more care, and magma figured it was a good idea to leave way for a new wave of runners.

You've already noticed a lot of small and big changes. Namely, 100% and Spike% were added as categories, and the LBs received some aesthetic touchups. Platforms have also been added (as most platforms other than Switch are very much comparable and can be run) and we're working on ILs for every challenge.

That aside, we're looking at ways to improve the current situation further, and attract runners if we can. As such, I leave this thread open for suggestions, ideas and any feedback from what we do. We like Cave Story, and we hope to represent CS and CS+ the best we can.

Illinois, USA

I think "Most of the stuff" could be renamed to Max%, but that could just be me, I think it should more so be based on the community vote.

United States

One thing I've had on my mind for a little while now is, what if we had a category (or subcategory?) that allowed the use of turbo? I know one thing that turns some people away from the game is the amount of button-mashing that you have to do, so I wonder if having a way for that to not be an issue would encourage newer and/or less-dedicated runners to continue running the game.

Or maybe there's a better solution...any thoughts?

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago

@Ninpalk: I'm considering to revote the name for 100%. My only concern is that I've routeds MAX% as a vastly different category, so discussion is to be had.

@Peri: I've been pondering the idea of allowing turbo outright or setup so turbo can be submitted somehow, as I believe the accesibility concerns due to mashing offset the "integrity" of no turbo. That's another major discussion of course, especially considering freeware Cave Story leaderboards don't allow turbo at all.

Colorado, USA

So for getting more people to run this game and to keep people active in it we can try to get as many people to play and stream on the same day and time.

Georgia, USA

@ikuyo maybe you could add a new "turbo" filter variable for every category and the default leaderboard could have the variable turned off?

@RepentMF: I like that idea, but I need to handle it carefully when it comes to PC vs Consoles, which usually have higher entry barriers for turbo.

@Devil_wolf120: that could work very well! I'd assume Steam or any similar platform can be allowed (that is, anything non Steam). Category?

Colorado, USA

yeah what ever you play on the goal would be for people to see how many people play this game

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago
Georgia, USA

@ikuyo why would an entry barrier matter when the default is no turbo and it’s a variable that can be toggled?

編集者 投稿者 5 years ago


  • IL leaderboards are up! Pick from any of the 6 challenges, both single player and coop. Glory to all zealous challengers!
  • 100% has been renamed to All Possible Items.
RepentMF これを好き
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