So, I was messing around with some stuff, and it appears as though the Genesis and GameGear version are very different. The main issue being that there doesn't actually appear to be any sort of end game available.
I'm not sure it's really worth making a category in particular for them, as I can't imagine one outside something like "one million dollars" which appear like it could be accomplished with cheats very quickly, or something like win a hand at all 11 games or something.
In any case, just wanted to throw it out there that Any Ending and Best Ending don't appear to apply for these console versions. I did not test the PS version yet.
Thanks for the information. The Genesis version does have an ending - just leave through the doors at the start. Though it would need different timing rules and Best Ending doesn't seem to apply. Game Gear indeeed does not appear to have an ending.
Ah, assumed Genesis didn't cause it looked the same. Nice catch with only one ending too!