Question About Glitches
4 years ago
United States

Hi guys,

Is there any place I can learn about the glitches mentioned in the rules? I see one of them in "guides" but I don't see anything on the others.

Also, have they not been used yet because they're too difficult to be viable or just because they make the speedrun less interesting? Or is it just platform compatibility? In that case, would using non-PC platforms be faster theoretically?

(I know the one in the guide is at least platform-specific.)


編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
British Columbia, Canada

Hi Andet,

I am not too sure of another place to learn the glitches unless there is some Youtube videos on them. I am not familiar with most of the glitches on the rules list so I am not too sure about some of them saving time. Most glitches can be preformed on the IOS version but not on PC or other platforms. I think they also work on Android.

Saving time with glitches is mainly down to using IOS/Android (Again not sure if they work on Android) for a run. Most glitches (At least the ones I know) are not too difficult to preform. If you were to run with glitches you could save a decent chunk of time over a PC run. Personally I avoid doing runs on IOS because recording and playing on a phone is annoying.

If you have any more questions I can try my best to answer them

Andet これを好き

(Just adding to what Connor already said)

Yeah the rules has a list of "known" cheats/glitches that are not allowed for glitchless, but honestly speaking none of us know how most of them work except for slope float. That list was put together by Cycryl who used to run the game a long time ago, but afaik he's deleted his account (his old forum posts just say "user 21640" now, and his time is gone). Last time I spoke to him was several years ago after I had just started running myself.

Long time ago I briefly mentioned how slope float works to Jumpyluff and he mentioned that Cycryl had explained it to him earlier, so maybe Jumpy knows how some of the other ones work. We should probably look to remake that list in the future, and add some proper guides for how they work (I might do that actually).

Besides Slope Float and Checkpoint Exploit, I know on handheld-platforms at least (I think it's patched for PC) the Shell Riding glitch involves snail shells. If you're in a corridor with a low ceiling and jump on a snail shell, you'll be pushed into the ceiling and pop up on the top of that ceiling object. For example I know you can do this with the first snail in 5-5, the one where you have to use a snail to smack down two yellowish blocks that block the way. AFAIK there's no situation where this glitch can be used to save time in an any% run, but maybe it could be used in 100%/blue stars for a miniscule time save. (I think this glitch is what Ceiling Clipping glitch on that list refers to, since last time I talked to Cycryl about known glitches he mentioned Shell Riding, not Ceiling Clipping. However, this could be what he meant with Zipping, since I have no clue what that glitch is supposed to be. In that case maybe Zipping just falls under Ceiling Clipping as a method of clipping).

Platform Clipping I assume refers to a supposed glitch involving moving platforms, more specifically ones moving vertically. According to what Cycryl said to me ones, all you had to do was stand on a rising platform, and once Bloo hits the ceiling the platform will push him up through the ceiling, similar to how the Shell Riding glitch works. Personally I've never gotten this to work on any platform, so I think this one's patched on all available platforms, and I think it can be removed from the list altogether.

Menu Duplicating: No clue, sounds pretty whack. Would really like to know what this is though, since any form of glitchy menu could have big potential for game-breaking glitches, which would be neat.

Zipping: As mentioned earlier I have no clue what this could refer to. If I had to guess I would assume it simply refers to how Bloo Kid travels super-fast when he clips, i.e. how he "zips" to the top of the screen/ceiling. Basically I don't think it's an actual glitch of its own, but probably a communicational error when Cycryl discussed glitches with Jumpy years ago.

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Andet これを好き
British Columbia, Canada

I believe zipping is using horizontal moving platforms to zip to the top of the screen. I figured it out looking around for glitches on IOS but I am not sure if this is what Cycryl was referring to.

The glitch works best on 2-6 and could save time in a Any% run there. To preform it you ride along the edge of a moving platform towards a wall and just after the moment you touch the wall you drop down from the platform. This pushes you into the wall and then Bloo kid will zip up fairly fast until you exit the wall.

That isn't the best explanation so I will upload a video of it to my channel.

British Columbia, Canada

There is the link to a video of me preforming a zip on 2-6

Gappo そして Andet これを好き
Bavaria, Germany

Will attempt zipping on 3DS to see if it Works there

ConnorH そして Gappo これを好き

Yo, just right now I found a new Zip-like glitch on 1-6 after a botched run in Time Attack.


I've tried recreating it by jumping into that part of the wall while holding down, but I just get pushed out immediately as you see in the video over when I try it again. Same thing happens when I try to recreate it with the Fire Flower. I've eventually been able to recreate it once. I double jumped into a specific spot in the wall and spammed up and down once I hit the wall. I'm assuming the down input is what actually made me Zip, as that's what triggers the the moving platform zipps and the botched zipping attempts from the video in my previous post. Here's my recreation (hope you enjoy my desktop in the background):


My current guess is that this is due to an error from the developers' side when creating this wall. The levels in Bloo Kid 2 are made in a program called "Tiled", where you place small tile blocks to create your world. In this program you work with several layers: A background layer, a collision layer (all the ceilings, walls, blocks, etc. that Bloo interacts with are on this layer), and a foreground layer. Additional layers can also be added if I remember correctly from when I explored the program some years ago.

In a lot of levels you have hidden passages where it appears to us that we walk "through" the collision layer, i.e. something like this at 0:11 to 0:14 in Jumpy's 1-6 WR:

What's really happening here is that the "walls" are actually in the foreground layer (which we don't interact with). These then hide the actual blocks Bloo interacts with, i.e. the "real" floors, walls, and ceilings. What I think may have happened here is that the specific block we jump onto to get this zip is maybe a type of slope piece (collision layer), while the solid wall as it appears to us is actually in the foreground layer. I'll have to install Tiled and check out this stage at a later time to confirm if this is what's going on.

If it turns out that's not the cause of this, this could potentially have large consequences, since it could maybe open up for finding more zipping spots in other levels if we can figure out why it happens at this particular spot. Even if it is a collision layer/foreground layer "mistake", it's still possible there could be similar spots where the devs made the same mistake in other levels.


I'm gonna make a new forum post for this glitch, I'll copy everything I've posted here so far into that thread.

Bavaria, Germany

Does Not seem to Work on 3DS

Andet これを好き
United States appears that 5-1 has got some weird skips.

However, I don't save much time over the current WR split so I don't know they might actually not be that useful. Or perhaps some of them are slower. But still some time save overall.

(And these skips are very consistent btw.)

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
Gappo これを好き

I think some those could actually save some time with optimized movement.

These look somewhat different to the other ones we've found so far. Either my assumptions about what conditions are necessary for Zips are wrong, or there are more than one way to set up a Zip (which would be nice)

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago

I was able to save just over 4 seconds on my current PC record with these:

Great find!

Andet そして ConnorH これを好き
Bavaria, Germany

Wtf are those finds

JorisOcti, Gappo そして 2 その他 これを好き

For the people who don't know yet. There are at least 2 zips in every level. 1 on the most right and 1 on the most left, but as far as I know the only level where they actually save time are 1-6, 5-1 5-7 and the ascend. If you think there are other levels where this can save time please let me know

Maryland, USA

combined with the slope float glitch you can do a zip on the left side of 2-6 in order to skip most of the level

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