Time Attack Guide
Time Attack Guide
更新済み 2 years ago 投稿者: Xurii_Ryan

Hey! Its Xurii! Im bored so here is a guide to Time Attack! This is the first guide Ive made! So if you wanna be the best at an RNG fighting game speedrun, here you go lol.

WHAT CHARACTER- The character you will want to use is Uranus. She is the most optimal because of her ability to push her opponents to the wall as fast as possible, especially on stages like Chinese Temple and Midnight Rooftop. It also helps that her damage output is very busted. Using the broken boss character is probably your best bet! If you dont have her unlocked, play survival mode and beat her at stage 16, or if you are using dolphin you can find codes online.

KNOWLEGDE TO HAVE BEFOREHAND- -Know how to input Quarter Circle Forward or Backward inputs to get used to them.

-Learn how to Jump Cancel. It is a technique where after an opponent has been launch in the air, anytime after that hit has connected, you press up to jump. This technique is a staple part in your combo game and will need to be practiced if you arent used to it.

-Learn how to Evade, it is essential if you want to make it through the run faster. You can evade by pressing the Guard button slightly before the opponents move would hit you.

-This run is entirely luck. The luckier you are the better time you achieve pretty much! But its still super fun.

-Wall breaks are not consistent

-This category is the only run that uses the in game timer, which starts as soon as the announcer says FIGHT! and stops as soon as the life bar is empty.

STRATEGIES FOR STAGES 1-10 STAGE 1- This is the easiest stage. At the start of the round push your opponent to the wall by dashing into them, mash the Beast button while holding your run input, this will ensure that you get the move out as fast as possible.

-If the move connects: Backdash away, running beast, repeat until ring out. -If the move doesnt connect: I suggest a reset because its so early in the run.

-The most optimal start in Stage 1 IMO is starting VS a heavy character (Stun, Gado, Kohryu, Ganesha) on the Freeway stage. Hitting your running Beast at them will have a chance to break the wall right away which is super huge when you are trying to save as much time as possible. With this strat you can have a 2 sec first round and 3 sec 2nd round. If you get a heavy on a different stage (besides Back Alley and Chinese Temple just reset) you can usually break the wall right away and get a good 3 or 4 sec time. Another cool strat I found with heavies is if you running beast the opponent into the wall, backdash away, run into the opponent moving their model over to the wall and touch it, then running beast again, the wall will break off before the full move finishes and the round will stop the time quicker as the opponent plumets straight down instead of flying off far away. Can be very useful.

-If you get Back Alley or Chinese Temple just reset, you cannot break the wall without falling through the beginning platform, thus losing a good chuck of time.

-If the opponent rolls away, just reset.

STAGE 2: The opponent will start rolling away slightly more and become slightly tougher to fight. The strategy should be the same though, running beast until you ring them out.

-If the opponent rolls away or blocks, just reset.

STAGE 3: Slightly harder difficulty, but the beginning strat should be the same, running beast until you ring them out. Try to to push them to the wall, backdash and run at them before the round even starts.

-A good tip is that Being farther away from your opponent leads to them doing attacks. Sometimes their attack may be faster than yours in which it may backfire, but you may end up counterhitting them, which is better than blocking and losing some time.

-You can choose to reset or continue on with the run if you want to if they roll or block.

-(Optimal combos section) If they arent in position to be ringed out you can go for some back up combos to finish off their life bar. Some good examples of this are (Facing right) Quarter Circle Forward Kick (or 236K), Jump Cancel, Forward Beast, land on the ground, Beast, Beast, Beast, special cancel into a 236K and repeat until dead. (Not guranteed to land the 236K but it could be worth it) Instead of the 236K you can also opt for a (Facing right) Diagonal Down Right Beast (or 3B) which is faster. You can try going for Beast, Beast, Beast special cancel into 236K without doing the launching part too, its slightly faster but less damaging (its better for when the opponents are blocking) Another good move is Down Down (hold) into Beast or (22B). It low profiles high and mid attacks from your opponent, while doing a low decently ranged attack. Only use it if in a tight spot.

STAGE 4 - 8: It will be very similar to stage 3, just progressively harder. The opponents may start to Evade your attacks. A good rule of thumb is if a round takes longer than 30 - 40 seconds, just reset at that point.

STAGE 9: You will fight on the hexagonal stage Evil Labratory VS Cronos. He is the final boss in most characters Arcade Modes. The best strat I have for him is to jump behind him at the very start, and push him to the wall on the left. Best case scenario is that you hit him with a running Beast and he stays in position to do a running Beast again. If you manage to make the wall break, try to ring him out, if he escapes this strat just try to do your optimal combos as a backup. Finding 3 - 4 running beasts in a row without him moving is super unlikely, but is good to try for to get a ring out next round. Cronos defense isnt the best VS someone like Uranus so he will take a lot of damage.

-Cronos is very good at evading, so a perfect run is never guranteed.

-If he turns into Penguin Form, try to 3B him or poke him with 22B. while he is doing attacks. If you are able to, kill him with a beast drive on the last round so that he dies. Which is either Quarter Circle Forward x2 Beast (236 236B) or 214 Quarter Circle Back x2 Beast (214 214B)

-If he turns into Phoenix Form, all you can hope to do is try to start a combo on him and wait for his Hyper Guage to deplenish. Most of his moves will guard break so try to heavy guard more or time evades. You dont necessarily have to reset if you die though, because you can retry ringing him out of the stage, which only takes a couple of seconds depending on how broken the walls is.

FINAL STAGE: The 10th stage is the last stage, in which you will have to fight Uranus in a mirror match. The layout to this stage is identical to Evil Labratory, just with an added red background, so the idea is the same. Jump over her head, push her to the wall before the round starts and try to break the wall with running Beast. If she is not in position then go for the optimal combos. Remember to break the wall as much as you can for a possibility to ring her out next round.

-If you are in beast form 2nd round, you cannot buffer a jump over Uranus (human or beast form) or you will land in front of them. You can just press L or R to rotate behind them, and then run over to ring them out, or another strat is to Quarter Circle Forward Beast them (236B) With this move you toss them behind you, which perfectly flings them in a straight line off the stage.

-If Uranus is in Chimera Form, they have a more limited move pool, so you can evade their attacks easier if you know whats coming. Find an opening and start your combos.

-If in Hyper Form, go for a combo. When Uranus is in this form, she has the lowest defence in the game, use it to your advantage.

The in-game timer stops when the life bar is empty at the end of the 2nd/3rd round. The run is over!


ASIAN GATE: A simple stage with easy to break walls. A good stage to get in Stage 1 for an easy run starter. You only need to break 1 walls to ring out your opponent. At the start of round 2 run them towards the edge and hit them off if you can.

CHINESE TEMPLE: A stage with 2 unbreakble sides and 2 breakable sides. The most annoying stage to ring out anyone. The fastest way to ring out your opponent is to the jump over them, turn around, run their character model to the wall, and running beast at least 3 times. You need to break 2 walls to ring out your opponent. At the start of round 2 jump over your opponent, and you can either turn around and hit them off, or jump over them, keep your back to them and mash Beast. They will fly off no matter how heavy. (Not guarenteed tho, just easier)

FREEWAY: A long and narrow rectangular shaped stage. The best stage to get in Stage 1 because of the wall you ram your opponents into when they ring out, it gives opprotunities to have 2 sec round 1s and 3 sec round 2s if your opponent is heavy. You only need to break 1 wall to ring your opponent out. At the start of round 2 run them towards the edge and hit them off if you can.

AIRCRAFT CARRIER: A simple stage with more annoying wall breaks. More often you will have to do combos than ring your opponent out, remember to push your opponent all the way to the wall to break it more effectively. You need to break 2 walls to ring out your opponent. At the start of round 2 run them towards the edge and hit them off if you can.

MIDNIGHT ROOFTOP: A very large stage with easy to break walls. This stage is one of the reasons Uranus is needed in this run, because you have to push your opponents character model all the way to the edge. You only need to break 1 walls to ring out your opponent. At the start of round 2 run them towards the edge and push them off if you can.

BACK ALLEY: A stage with two sections, a top and bottom half. You start the fight in the top section. When the walls or ground have been knocked into too many time the floor will open, letting you fight in the bottom section. The top section you can do your combo partially, Uranus is so strong that the floor will break very early. Its not possible to get a wall break with Uranus in the top section. When at the bottom section, do an optimal combo to finish off the opponent. During the 2nd round, try to get another optimal combo until they die. It is typically not faster to wall break in the stage on the bottom section. If you get this stage in Stage 1, reset.

AQUARIUM: A simple stage with more annoying wall breaks. Unless you get this stage 1 you will usually have to fight here and do your combos, but try to break the wall as much as possible anyways. You need to break 2 walls to ring out your opponent. At the start of round 2 run them towards the edge and push them off if you can.

INDIAN PALACE: A simple stage with easy to break walls. A good stage to get in Stage 1 for an easy run starter. You only need to break 1 walls to ring out your opponent. At the start of round 2 run them towards the edge and hit them off if you can.

EVIL LABRATORY/CHAOS LABRATORY: A stage with 6 walls, you will fight the final two characters here. You need to break 2 walls to ring out your opponent. Breaking these walls give you a big space to ring out your opponent, but be careful you do not get ringed out yourself, as Cronos and Uranus have really powerful moves that send you away. At the start of round 2 run them towards the edge and hit them off if you can.

WHAT CAN YOU DO IF YOU LOSE YOUR BEAST FORM AND YOU DONT WANNA RESET- Uranus has an infinite in Human Form. It is Quarter Circle Back Kick, Punch (214K P) into itself over and over again. Do this until you get your beast gauge back, then combo it into Quarter Circle Forward Beast (236B). after this 236B you can run over to them with your lightning fast speed and hit them on the ground with a 236K.

-You can Hyper but you'll lose a ton of health and you take much more damage in this form. Uranus has the worst defense in the game in Hyper, so be cautious.

Hope this helps! I know I probably wrote this to the 5 people that would ever wanna run this game in 10 years, but it was fun. Bloody Roar 4ever ♡ -Xurii
