Can we make any any% Geared?
4 years ago
Ohio, USA

so heres my thought, start from the lvl 30 base files and crush the game from there. I personally hate early game but love later game and think this would be an awesome category to optimize and run, lmk yall's thoughts :)

Virginia, USA

As with most category ideas, run it and prove a category should be made.

2ManyCheetahs これを好き
Ohio, USA

Heres a proof of concept set of runs:

CalamityOblivion これを好き
Ohio, USA

i have been informed this is a boosted run

so thats a thing

lets make it a category

United States

finally 3 people who have actually ran this so we can hopefully make it a category

編集者 投稿者 4 years ago
United States

I don't know if they will let it be a category though, because there are 2 maya runs, and 2 krieg runs, (and 1 sal run), but not 3 runs of the same character done by different people

2ManyCheetahs これを好き
Ohio, USA

i did a run a kreig and a run as zer0 last night :D

New Zealand

solo coop only has 2 runs

United States

Then you can go fall guys there and go there.

編集者 投稿者 3 months ago