6 years ago

-Any% is completing the game as fast as possible -Time starts upon leaving Koh's house (upon touching the loading zone.) -Time ends upon obtaining 'Ultimate Egg' after defeating Beldo. -Saving and reloading the same save is allowed. Glitches are allowed.

-100% is All buildings constructed (Including the fountain and the windmills), all girls dated. Monsterbook completed -Time starts upon leaving Koh's house (upon touching the loading zone.) -Time ends upon obtaining 'Ultimate Egg' after defeating Beldo. (If Beldo is killed before 100% is achieved, Time will end after the player reaches Floor 40 again.) -Saving and reloading the same save is allowed. -Glitches are allowed.

-Bookless% is All buildings constructed (Including the fountain and the windmills), all girls dated. Monsterbook completed. -Time starts upon leaving Koh's house (upon touching the loading zone.) -Time ends upon obtaining 'Ultimate Egg' after defeating Beldo. (If Beldo is killed before completion is achieved, Time will end after the player reaches Floor 40 again.) -Saving and reloading the same save is allowed. -Glitches are allowed.

-Bookless% Glitchless is All buildings constructed (Including the fountain and the windmills), all girls dated. Monsterbook completed. -Time starts upon leaving Koh's house (upon touching the loading zone.) -Time ends upon obtaining 'Ultimate Egg' after defeating Beldo. (If Beldo is killed before completion is achieved, Time will end after the player reaches Floor 40 again.) -Saving and reloading the same save is allowed. -Glitches aren't allowed.

-1st@10th% is Getting on floor 10 as fast as possible. -Time starts upon leaving Koh's house (upon touching the loading zone.) -Time ends upon cancelling the prompt to save between floor 9 and 10. -Glitches are allowed.

-1st@20th% is Getting on floor 20 as fast as possible. -Time starts upon leaving Koh's house (upon touching the loading zone.) -Time ends upon cancelling the prompt to save between floor 19 and 20. -Glitches are allowed.

-1st@30th% is Getting on floor 30 as fast as possible. -Time starts upon leaving Koh's house (upon touching the loading zone.) -Time ends upon cancelling the prompt to save between floor 29 and 30. -Glitches are allowed.

編集者 投稿者 6 years ago

-Many duplication glitches including Manoeva infinite MP copying a Item spawning monster like a Weadog. or Manoeva turning into a picket with a pocketed item are considered glitches even if they might be more like an exploit.

-Getting out of Bound (mostly used to enter the tower without doing the Kewne's cutscene and thus skipping Kewne altogether) is a glitch

投稿日 6 years ago
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投稿日 3 years ago
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投稿日 5 years ago
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