First: I am sorry about our low activity on verifying records recently, to runners, I am here to apologize, those who had been waited for a long time, but still get run rejected, I am deeply sorry, I wish I could announce this earlier.
Second: A proposal of changing rules has been proposed by me a while ago, and I am here to announce that the rule is going to be changed, and here is how it will be:
General Rules change:
Rules add: Console commands "+cl_showpos 1" is recommended, to help re-timing works more efficiently. On screen timer is recommended.
Death% Rules in Multiplayer Modes change:
For both Kings Canyon and World's Edge:
Die as a squad in Kings Canyon or in World's Edge
At least one lobby part content in the video is highly recommended.
Timing starts once the drop ship timer reaches 0 Timing ends when "Squad Eliminated" title shows on screen.
This run must be run as a pre-made squad, which means each of the squad-mate in this run must be the exact same member, matches to the members which the runner had already in the lobby.
About Mod's job:
Due to the Rules changes, some of the records might be either become controversial or totally unacceptable.
To discuss the records verifying problem, I will open a serious text channel in Discord server, so people can go in there to talk about suspicious records.
More changes:
Nessy% run is now a category of Fantasy%, Fantasy% means the rules of the runs is, either would be without joy if we really try to control everything, or it is a for fun category, and in either way, Fantasy% is not really serious.
Not all the Fantasy% category has its own leaderboard, but they may have their in a Discord text channel.
Hey, the new patch (link: ) came with a Pathfinder nerf, and since he was the main competitive legend for the All Green Nessies category, we decided to create a fresh leaderboard for it so it's fair for all new runs.
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