William Wallace: Marching and Fighting
William Wallace: Preparing for Battle
William Wallace: Feeding the Army
William Wallace: Training the Troops
William Wallace: Research and Technology
William Wallace: The Battle of Stirling
William Wallace: Forge an Alliance
William Wallace: The Battle of Falkirk
Joan of Arc: An Unlikely Messiah
Joan of Arc: The Maid of Orleans
Joan of Arc: The Cleansing of the Loire
Joan of Arc: The Rising
Joan of Arc: The Siege of Paris
Joan of Arc: A Perfect Martyr
Saladin: An Arabian Knight
Saladin: Lord of Arabia
Saladin: The Horns of Hattin
Saladin: The Siege of Jerusalem
Saladin: Jihad!
Saladin: The Lion and the Demon
Genghis Khan: Crucible
Genghis Khan: A Life of Revenge
Genghis Khan: Into China
Genghis Khan: The Horde Rides West
Genghis Khan: The Promise
Genghis Khan: Pax Mongolica
Barbarossa: Holy Roman Emperor
Barbarossa: Henry the Lion
Barbarossa: Pope and Antipope
Barbarossa: The Lombard League
Barbarossa: Barbarossa's March
Barbarossa: The Emperor Sleeping
Attila the Hun: The Scourge of God
Attila the Hun: The Great Ride
Attila the Hun: The Walls of Constantinople
Attila the Hun: A Barbarian Betrothal
Attila the Hun: The Catalaunian Fields
Attila the Hun: The Fall of Rome
El Cid: Brother Against Brother
El Cid: The Enemy of My Enemy
El Cid: The Exile of the Cid
El Cid: Black Guards
El Cid: King of Valencia
El Cid: Reconquista
Montezuma: Reign of Blood
Montezuma: The Triple Alliance
Montezuma: Quetzalcoatl
Montezuma: La Noche Triste
Montezuma: The Boiling Lake
Montezuma: Broken Spears
Battles of the Conquerors: Tours
Battles of the Conquerors: Vinlandsaga
Battles of the Conquerors: Hastings
Battles of the Conquerors: Manzikert
Battles of the Conquerors: Agincourt
Battles of the Conquerors: Lepanto
Battles of the Conquerors: Kyoto
Battles of the Conquerors: Noryang Point
Alaric: The Battle of the Frigidus
Alaric: Razing Hellas
Alaric: The Belly of the Beast
Alaric: The Giant Falls
Alaric: A Kingdom of Our Own
Dracula: The Dragon Spreads His Wings
Dracula: The Return of the Dragon
Dracula: The Breath of the Dragon
Dracula: The Moon Rises
Dracula: The Night Falls
Bari: Arrival at Bari
Bari: The Rebellion of Melus
Bari: Loose Ends
Bari: The Best Laid Plans
Bari: The Onrushing Tide
Sforza: Mercenaries and Masters
Sforza: His Own Man
Sforza: Prodigal Son
Sforza: Blood and Betrayal
Sforza: Vive Sforza!
Pachacuti: A New Power Rises
Pachacuti: The Field of Blood
Pachacuti: War of Brothers
Pachacuti: The Falcon's Tent
Pachacuti: Like Father, Like Son
Prithviraj: Born of Fire
Prithviraj: The Digvijaya
Prithviraj: Hand of a Princess
Prithviraj: The Fate of India
Prithviraj: The Legend of Prithviraj
Battles of the Forgotten: Bukhara
Battles of the Forgotten: Dos Pilas
Battles of the Forgotten: York
Battles of the Forgotten: Honfoglalas
Battles of the Forgotten: Kurikara
Battles of the Forgotten: Cyprus
Battles of the Forgotten: Bapheus
Battles of the Forgotten: Lake Poyang
Tariq ibn Ziyad: The Battle of Guadalete
Tariq ibn Ziyad: Consolidation and Subjugation
Tariq ibn Ziyad: Divide and Conquer
Tariq ibn Ziyad: Crossing the Pyrenees
Tariq ibn Ziyad: Razzia
Sundjata: The Sting of the Scorpion
Sundjata: Hunted
Sundjata: Djeriba Gold
Sundjata: Blood on the River Bank
Sundjata: The Lion's Den
Francisco the Almeida: The Old World
Francisco the Almeida: Lion of Africa
Francisco the Almeida: Ruins of Empires
Francisco the Almeida: Estado da India
Francisco the Almeida: A Son's Blood
Yodit: Path of Exile
Yodit: The Right Partner
Yodit: A Fallen Crown
Yodit: Broken Stelae
Yodit: Welcome Home
Gajah Mada: The Story of Our Founders
Gajah Mada: Unconditional Loyalty
Gajah Mada: The Oath to Unify Nusantara
Gajah Mada: Serving the New King
Gajah Mada: The Pasunda Bubat Tragedy
Suryavarman I: Usurpation
Suryavarman I: Quelling the Rebellion
Suryavarman I: A Dangerous Mission
Suryavarman I: Challenging a Thalassocracy
Suryavarman I: Nirvanapada
Bayinnaung: The Burmese Tigers
Bayinnaung: The Mandalay Cobra
Bayinnaung: The Royal Peacock
Bayinnaung: The White Elephant
Bayinnaung: The Old Tiger
Le Loi: The Dai Viet Uprising
Le Loi: The Mountain Siege
Le Loi: The Battle at Hanoi
Le Loi: Reaching South
Le Loi: A Three-Pronged Attack
Le Loi: The Final Fortress
Tamerlane: Amir of Transoxiana
Tamerlane: Gurkhan of Persia
Tamerlane: Harbinger of Destruction
Tamerlane: Sultan of Hindustan
Tamerlane: Scourge of the Levant
Tamerlane: A Titan Amongst Mortals
Ivaylo: A Most Unlikely Man
Ivaylo: An Unlikely Alliance
Ivaylo: Tsar of the Bulgars
Ivaylo: Echoes of Heroes
Ivaylo: Where the One-Eyed Man is King
Kotyan Khan: Raising the Banners
Kotyan Khan: The Battle at the Kalka River
Kotyan Khan: Saving the Huts
Kotyan Khan: Blood for Blood
Kotyan Khan: A New Home
The Art of War: Early Economy
The Art of War: Fast Castle Age
The Art of War: Booming
The Art of War: Rushing the Enemy
The Art of War: Defending Against a Rush
The Art of War: Land Battle
The Art of War: Destroying a Castle
The Art of War: Naval Battle
The Art of War: Battle Formations
Edward Longshanks: Vain Ambition
Edward Longshanks: A Man of God
Edward Longshanks: Of Castles and Kings
Edward Longshanks: Toom Tabard
Edward Longshanks: Hammer of the Scots
Grand Dukes: A Kingdom Divided
Grand Dukes: The Wolf and the Lion
Grand Dukes: The Cleansing of Paris
Grand Dukes: Unholy Marriage
Grand Dukes: The Hook and Cod Wars
Grand Dukes: The Maid Falls
The Hautevilles: Guiscard Arrives
The Hautevilles: Roger in Sicily
The Hautevilles: Bohemond and the Emperor
The Hautevilles: Bohemond in the East
The Hautevilles: Wonder of the World
Algirdas and Kestutis: Family Affairs
Algirdas and Kestutis: No Man's Land
Algirdas and Kestutis: The Tatar Yoke
Algirdas and Kestutis: A Worthy Opponent
Algirdas and Kestutis: In the Shadow of the Throne
Jadwiga: The Matter of the Crown
Jadwiga: Star of the Poles
Jadwiga: Duel of the Dukes
Jadwiga: The Siege of Vilnius
Jadwiga: Vytautas' Crusade
Jadwiga: The Fruits of Her Labor
Jan Zizka: The One-Eyed Wanderer
Jan Zizka: Courage and Coin
Jan Zizka: The Iron Lords
Jan Zizka: The Golden City
Jan Zizka: The Emperor's Fury
Jan Zizka: Warrior of God
Babur: Pearl of the East
Babur: The Last Timurids
Babur: Into India
Babur: The Battle of Panipat
Babur: The Rajputs
Rajendra: The Successor
Rajendra: Deeds of the Father
Rajendra: Rising Star
Rajendra: Sacred Waters
Rajendra: Slaying the Vritra
Devapala: Dissatisfaction
Devapala: Desire
Devapala: Renunciation
Devapala: Liberation?
Devapala: Enlightenment
Battles of the Conquerors: Tours Co-op
Battles of the Conquerors: Hastings Co-op
Battles of the Forgotten: Honfoglalas Co-op
Battles of the Forgotten: Kurikara Co-op
Battles of the Forgotten: Bapheus Co-op
Saladin: An Arabian Knight Co-op
Saladin: Lord of Arabia Co-op
Saladin: The Horns of Hattin Co-op
Saladin: The Siege of Jerusalem Co-op
Saladin: Jihad! Co-op
Saladin: The Lion and the Demon Co-op
Attila the Hun: The Scourge of God Co-op
Attila the Hun: The Great Ride Co-op
Attila the Hun: The Walls of Constantinople Co-op
Attila the Hun: A Barbarian Betrothal Co-op
Attila the Hun: The Catalaunian Fields Co-op
Attila the Hun: The Fall of Rome Co-op
Alaric: The Battle of the Frigidus Co-op
Alaric: Razing Hellas Co-op
Alaric: The Belly of the Beast Co-op
Alaric: The Giant Falls Co-op
Alaric: A Kingdom of Our Own Co-op
Tariq ibn Ziyad: The Battle of Guadalete Co-op
Tariq ibn Ziyad: Consolidation and Subjugation Co-op
Tariq ibn Ziyad: Divide and Conquer Co-op
encore performance
Tariq ibn Ziyad: Crossing the Pyrenees Co-op
Tariq ibn Ziyad: Razzia Co-op
Suryavarman I: Usurpation Co-op
Suryavarman I: Quelling the Rebellion Co-op
Suryavarman I: A Dangerous Mission Co-op
Suryavarman I: Challenging a Thalassocracy Co-op
Suryavarman I: Nirvanapada Co-op
Tamerlane: Amir of Transoxiana Co-op
Tamerlane: Gurkhan of Persia Co-op
Tamerlane: Harbinger of Destruction Co-op
Tamerlane: Sultan of Hindustan Co-op
Tamerlane: Scourge of the Levant Co-op
Tamerlane: A Titan Amongst Mortals Co-op
Pyrrhus of Epirus: A Second Alexander
Pyrrhus of Epirus: The Many Kings of Macedon
Pyrrhus of Epirus: Pyrrhic Victories
Pyrrhus of Epirus: Savior of the Greeks
Pyrrhus of Epirus: Sisyphus
Sargon of Akkad: The Chosen One
Sargon of Akkad: Divine Will
Sargon of Akkad: The Prophecy
Sargon of Akkad: The Land of Kings
Sargon of Akkad: Subartu
Tarjan: Legates and Legions
Tarjan: Roman Repute
Tarjan: Heads Will Roll
Tarjan: An Old Enemy
Tarjan: Blood in the Water
Ascent of Egypt - Hunting
Ascent of Egypt - Foraging
Ascent of Egypt - Exploration
Ascent of Egypt - Dawn of a New Age
Ascent of Egypt - Skirmish
Ascent of Egypt - Farming
Ascent of Egypt - Trade
Ascent of Egypt - Religion
Ascent of Egypt - River Outpost
Ascent of Egypt - Naval Battle
Ascent of Egypt - A Wonder of the World
Ascent of Egypt - Siege in Canaan
The First Punic War - Struggle for Sicily
The First Punic War - Battle of Mylae
The First Punic War - Battle of Tunis
Glory of Greece: Claiming Territory
Glory of Greece: Acropolis
Glory of Greece: The Conquest of Crete
Glory of Greece: The Trojan War
Glory of Greece: Colonization of Ionia
Glory of Greece: The Siege of Athens
Glory of Greece: Xenophon's March
Glory of Greece: Alexander the Great
Voices of Babylon: The Holy Man
Voices of Babylon: The Tigris Valley
Voices of Babylon: Lost
Voices of Babylon: I Shall Return
Voices of Babylon: The Great Hunt
Voices of Babylon: The Caravan
Voices of Babylon: Lord of The Euphrates
Voices of Babylon: The Conquest of Nineveh
Tamar's Ascension: Takeover
Tamar's Ascension: Yury's Revenge
Tamar's Ascension: The Protectorate
Tamar's Ascension: Tamar the Builder
Tamar's Ascension: The Queen in the Panther's Skin
Thoros The Great: Outlawed
Thoros The Great: The Emperor's Revenge
Thoros The Great: Caught in the Crossfire
Thoros The Great: Bloody Crestwaves
Thoros The Great: Of Turncoats and Traitors
Ismail: The Red Hats
Ismail: Road to Royalty
Ismail: Alexander Safavi
Ismail: The Fallen Amir
Ismail: Khata'i
Victors and Vanquished: Gaiseric
Victors and Vanquished: Vortigern
Victors and Vanquished: Charlemagne
Victors and Vanquished: Ragnar
Victors and Vanquished: Ironside
Victors and Vanquished: Finehair
Victors and Vanquished: Robert
Victors and Vanquished: Otto
Victors and Vanquished: Seljuk
Victors and Vanquished: Karlsefni
Victors and Vanquished: Komnenos
Victors and Vanquished: Stephen
Victors and Vanquished: Temujin
Victors and Vanquished: Msitslav
Victors and Vanquished: Constantine XI
Victors and Vanquished: Fetih
Victors and Vanquished: Shimazu
Victors and Vanquished: Nobunaga
Victors and Vanquished: Drake
Battle for Greece: Gates of the Gods
Battle for Greece: Greeks Bearing Gifts
Battle for Greece: The Ionian Revolt
Battle for Greece: A City Ablaze
Battle for Greece: Chasing Smoke
Battle for Greece: Death to Traitors
Battle for Greece: Earth and Water
Battle for Greece: The Battle of Marathon
Battle for Greece: Raise the Sails
Battle for Greece: The Hot Gates
Battle for Greece: Divine Salamis
Battle for Greece: Across the Wine-Dark Sea
Battle for Greece: Wrath of the Regent
Battle for Greece: The Fruits of Empire
Battle for Greece: Within the Long Walls
Battle for Greece: I am Brasidas
Battle for Greece: Pyres on the Coast
Battle for Greece: Speeches and Spears
Battle for Greece: To the Wall!
Battle for Greece: Blood and Gold
Battle for Greece: The Fall of Athens
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