How do I play Insane mode without a web browser?
I have been wanting to do my run on either Adobe Flash 32 or a similar flash player, but MaxGames only allows you to play age of war 2 insane difficulty on the MaxGames site or phone app.
Is there a way around this?
Hi brother,
I use Flash Games Archive v3 and it has the insane mode difficulty and it works just fine, I don't know what you use but if you haven't tried FGA v3 then that's your best bet
Goideneaglet これを好き
Thank you so much!
I don't know what I was using either, but probably I got the swf file from
編集者 投稿者
No problem man,
Either way Flash Games Archive is an amazing archive since you have so many games you can play on it other than Age of War 2
Glad I could help!
Goideneaglet これを好き