May Day Island %
4 years ago
United States

My friends and I were doing mayday island, and we realized that it would be perfect to speedrun, both any% and 100% (any% is talking to Rover the fastest, and 100% is all items in the maze picked up, the briefcase grabbed, and talking to Wilbur is the start and endpoints of the run)! We're in the process of optimally routing it, but we've run both categories before and it works well.

yorunoteiou, Xapologies, そして KilleDragon これを好き
United States

My friend has a near-perfect 100% that she would like to submit for consideration :)

Xapologies そして KilleDragon これを好き
Massachusetts, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

Hi I'm the friend in question! Here's a VOD of the speedrun, almost perfect 100% run :)

KilleDragon そして massacustehts これを好き
Massachusetts, USA
She/Her, They/Them
4 years ago

and heres the VOD for any%! id love to see others do this one especially as i messed it up multiple times hahah

KilleDragon そして massacustehts これを好き
Updated timer stop for First Debt

Previously the rule said: "Timer ends on the regaining control of your character after talking to Tom Nook and paying off your first debt."

This was a little ambiguous, as some runs stopped the timer when the final text box cleared:

Others waited until the camera fa

11 months ago