Timer Clarifications
Timer Clarifications
更新済み 8 months ago 投稿者: op_HarrisonLewellyn

Hello, gamers.

I thought I'd make a little thingy to help runners out with the timer, as it can be a little confusing as to when it starts and when it stops. If I am wrong about any of these, please correct me :)

Timer Start

Nice and easy one. The timer always starts on the first frame of being loaded into the hub/level. Also may be important to mention that if you are doing a full game run, loading times don't appear to be cut from the final run.

Timer End: Full Game Runs

Batteries%: Timer ends on the first frame of the ending cutscene.

Consequences%: Timer ends upon the Glitchtrap Plush disappearing from your hand (being collected by Moon).

All Endings: Applies to either of the 2 above, depending on which ending you do last.

100%: Timer ends upon completing the final requirement, likely being unlocking the final reward from the prize machine. You also have to prove that you collected all of the coins hidden throughout the game, but to my knowledge that doesn't count toward the final timer unless you still have a coin to get.

All Achievements: Timer ends upon completing the final achievement. Order of achievement collection doesn't matter so just make sure you get them all.

Timer End: Individual Levels

Carousel: Timer ends upon the timer on the carousel ending, nice and simple.

Carousel Cinder: Same as normal Carousel

Arts and Crafts - Daycare: Timer ends upon the final necessary press of the 'Done' button. This won't yet count if you fail the Paperpal in any way.

Arts and Crafts - Loft: Same as normal Arts and Crafts.

Staff Bot Salon: Timer ends upon the final necessary press of the 'Done' button. This won't yet count if you fail the task in any way.

Roxy Salon: Same as the Staff Bot Salon.

Shattered Roxy Salon: NOT the same as Roxy Salon, the timer ends upon the first frame of the game registering the Roxy is wearing her mask.

El Chips: Timer ends upon the final necessary press of the bell. This won't yet count if you fail the order in any way.

Pizza Pizza Pizza!: Same as El Chips.

Fazbear Theatre: Same as El Chips and Pizza Pizza Pizza!

Cold Storage: Timer ends upon the first frame of the game registering the cake being in Freddy's chest cavity, may also be determined by the noise made along with the cake being placed.

First Aid (Helpy): Timer ends upon Helpy eating the final candy. This applies to all levels; Pig Patch, Lefty and Scrap Baby.

Fizzy Faz: Timer ends upon pressing the submit button on the final order. This applies to all 5 levels.

Endo Warehouse: Timer ends on the final correct card flipping over.

Music Man: Timer ends upon pressing the 'Submit' button for the final necessary time. This applies to all 3 levels.

Ballora Gallery: Timer ends upon entering the exit door/hearing Ballora unwind.

Breaker Room: Timer ends upon the final breaker thingy being repaired (unsure what it is called lol).

Hope this is helpful :)

Leaderboards will be set up in the next few weeks!

Hi all, hope everyone is enjoying HW2! myself and Grim are currently playing through the game casually and figuring out the ruleset, you can join the FNAF Speedrunning discord with the link on this page to discuss strats, guides etc!

Happy playing!

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