Hey so with the wipe happening soon I was looking into how to make it intresting and wondered about speed running to the kappa case
Now the problem with this is that it takes a lot of people weeks/months to do and with servers being the way they are this can make it impossible
PVE mode doesn't have this problem on solo runs as you do it on your home PC rather then a dedicated server so joining a game is seconds rather then minutes and with pve set up it a lot quicker to do...
So what do you think to having it as a challenge
I will be looking at getting a timer and doing this on the day of wipe which is rumoured to be late December and will stream the WHOLE experience
I'm actually not very versed in this speedrun.com stuff and I don't know if the runs need to be done in one session, I have to do some snooping around if this is a gategory that can be made. But if there isn't a speedrun.com related obstacle for this I'll make the category.
I have to say that this kind of challenge is awesome, but I won't be checking it through since it's such a huge overtaking, so I don't know how to verify a run like this.
There are bunch of people who do run the kappa speedrun at the start of the wipe, I think the biggest RNG (lot bigger than the matchmaking RNG) is the boss spawns being very low at the start.
Good luck for the run, hafe fun!
To my knowledge, the requirement for video verification is game based, so it can't be taken off from one category. And I feel that video verification is important for the other categories.
Any idea how we could have the video verification on that long run?
Hello everyone,
VaaraJO and myself did a complete overhaul to the categories, rules and structure of the Tarkov leaderboard. We also added a few new categories.
In the future we are gonna add more categories and also some meme categories, but for now this should be a good base. If anyone has some