RULES CHANGES regarding the scroll wheel and CBOs
RULES CHANGES regarding the scroll wheel and CBOs
投稿日 8 months ago 投稿者:

Hello everyone!

As you may know there are lot of runners that uses the scroll wheel to jump to make bunny hopping in the game easier. While this is already a debatable rule, we decided to allow that as most engine that allows that kind of physics usually also allow the player to bind the scroll wheel to the "Jump" action. However, this game does not... until now!

The only reason we allowed external software for rebinding keys was exactly that: rebinding the scroll wheel to Space. This unfortunately created a possible exploit for potential cheater to use those programs in a way that it is forbidden, without allowing us to check for that.

This also created a gap between players that uses "free scroll" mouses (and cheaters) with CBOs (Collision Box Overlap, a technic found that allows player to use overlapping collision boxes to jump where it wasn't meant to) skips (especially the chains grinding, bubble cut, ladder grinding...). This gave those players an unfair advantage regarding the success rate of those skips compared to players that use normal mouses.

We decided to conduct a vote within the Discord community to gather your feedback. Here are the results:

  • 71% were AGAINST allowing the "free scroll" wheel / 29% for
  • 50% were FOR allowing the use of CBOs / 50% against
  • 63% were AGAINST allowing ANY external software (even for rebinding keys) / 37% for

We also gathered the top runners feedback and with a final discussion within the moderation team, we are making the following changes in the rules:

New Rules

  • Using a "free scroll" (infinite scroll) scrollwheel is not allowed in runs. If we have suspicions that you're using one, we may ask you to provide specific proof for your run to be validated
  • Using any 3rd party software (even for rebinding scrollwheel) is no longer allowed. You can bind the scroll wheel to the jump key directly in the game now!
  • TOP 10 runs MUST have input display visible (both keyboard AND mouse, especially the scroll wheel) on the recording when submitted
  • There is no rule change regarding CBOs in skips that use that. The Bubble skip at temple, grinding chains and ladders with jumps (among others) are still allowed

We will allow people to submit runs that do not comply to those new rules for the next 12 hours only (except for the free/infinite scroll, it won't be allowed from now onand will be checked if suspicious)

We think that those rules are for the best of the future of the speedrun of this game and we hope you agree. If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback to give us please let us know on the speedrunning Discord!

We wish you good luck for you runs, and see you all in paradise!


**We have been working on it since the game's workshop update was first announced. We first wanted to drop these changes at the same time as the workshop did but seems like it's taking more time than we thought. That's why you are getting those n

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