投稿日 1 month ago 投稿者:

Recently, W1llipet and the other moderators have set up new rules for Big Scary as the old ones weren't the best and needed an update. Please read them as will be using them when verifying runs from this point forward.

Some rules are going to cause a couple changes with the leaderboard, such as level 4 including a new starting location and the small keypad button being allowed. If you have questions with some of these rules inform me or another moderator if they are free to talk.

投稿日 8 months ago 投稿者:

We will be accepting runs again! I forgot to say earlier in the week, I am very sorry.

投稿日 8 months ago 投稿者:

We are clearing ALL the boards, so all runs will be taken done. Runs will not be accepted for 1-3 days because we are also changing some of the rules to make it best for all of you to speed run. We will also be making guides for all of you to learn and do your best speed runs.

New Big Scary Speedrunning Rules (located in the "leaderboards" tab)

Recently, W1llipet and the other moderators have set up new rules for Big Scary as the old ones weren't the best and needed an update. Please read them as will be using them when verifying runs from this point forward.

Some rules are going to cause a couple changes with the leaderboard, such as lev

1 month ago