Yoshi's Story NSO timing differences
3 years ago
United States

Since we've started to receive leaderboard submissions for the NSO/SwitchVC of Yoshi's Story, I took the time to do some coarse time comparisons between SwitchVC and WiiVC. This will help inform us on how we might want to handle the SwitchVC platform in the future.

SwitchVC time saves:

  • 4 seconds saved per reset; 20 seconds total
  • 15 frames saved per level complete animation; 1.25 seconds total
  • 15 frames saved per level load; 1.5 seconds total
  • 40 frames saved per screen transition startup, 4.5 seconds total
  • 2.75 seconds saved over all the any% screen transition animations
  • Total: 30 seconds saved

These are mostly approximations, but SwitchVC comes out almost exactly 30 seconds faster than WiiVC for any%. Most of this time comes from faster resets: SwitchVC can properly "soft-reset" the game, whereas a reset on Wii is actually a hard reset that takes a few seconds to load the ROM again.

Aside from resets, SwitchVC improves loading times and eliminates even more lag than WiiVC does.

See the other thread (link) for more information on how we've decided to handle NSO/SwitchVC submissions. Right now, we're keeping them on the same leaderboard because it's the most inclusive way of accepting runs from new runners, and giving them the satisfaction of having a run on the leaderboard. If we end up getting a whole bunch of SwitchVC runs with competitive leaderboard times (eg. sub-12) then we'll consider moving them to their own leaderboard, such as to not discredit the fantastic performances of our top N64 and WiiVC runs.

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