I'm not sure if this is in Walgrey's jurisdiction or mine, but should bonus rolls that pop up in the window be allowed to be skipped? The rules right now say 'bonus rolls don't count' so that probably should apply to those as well but that was not my intention while suggesting the category, even if I've changed my mind now.
im curious to go back and see what exactly it looks like when bonus rolls are rejected. bc if they replace any of the 3 daily slots and can still be used after exiting the bonus roll window, they probably shouldnt be skipped. however, if exiting the window just makes the roll disappear and the daily slots remain the same, it would make sense to allow them to be skipped. i can test this next time i get the chance
Sorry for stealing the test but I found I had a lot of bonus rolls out of the way so... I've recorded it and it is indeed the latter, exiting the window just makes it disappear and slots remain the same- same with the stop sign even