Velocitgmae guide
Velocitgmae guide
Aggiornato 5 years ago di Icyphoenix

Spawn Wall Bounce Apon booting up the game for maxium speed go backwards and once you hit the wall insantly bounce back going forward if you do not spot a bounce effect against the wall chances are you have lost your run already

Approching the wall If while Approching the wall you bounce upwards you have lost all speed and thefore have lost the run If this does not occur proceed to the left of the giant wall and move,always to the left of the wall

The ball Your whole run depends on this part of the game you have two choices nethier of these methods have been proven to be faster or slower than the other Option A:you hit the wall and roll off of it then land on the ball Option B:dodge the wall and go left in mid air until you land on the ball,once on the ball if you come to a stop when hitting the ball your run is dead,roll to the left if you are too low you will miss the landing on the sprial platform do not attempt to gain height after landing on the ball

The Sprial platform Apon landing just keep moving forward,once you are rolling on the blue platform wait a few seconds then move off the platform by going to the left make sure you do not undershoot unless you know that you will land on the platform once on the platform just move toward the cube,stop your timer the frame you hit the cube

Note:I am not Serious about this meme game I just want to kill time while possibly being helpful in the process

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