100% Category definition?
9 years ago
Oita, Japan

Hey guys,

I'd like to start speed running this game after seeing Nosraef's stream during AGDQ this year, but I was wondering if anyone has attempted a 100% run, or even what that definition would be? Would it be perfects on all 50 levels? Would you be required to do those levels in order? I just want to make sure everyone is in agreement on what that would be before attempting anything of the sort.


Virginia, USA

There hasnt been any definition yet, but I would assume it would be all perfects, all bonus pack levels, and all bonus levels (the levels your get for the gold crystals). However, what we could do is work out some sort of All Main Levels 100% which seems more doable. However, requiring all perfects would be up for discussion, since getting a perfect doesnt give you any more points than 100% with a death.

But I'm up for whatever you feel 100% should be to be honest. 100% has no set in stone definition yet, so I say come up with one and we will most likely agree

United Kingdom

I guess there could be a 100% run and a 100% perfect run.

I'd say the stats screen needs to be fully completed, ie (as Nosraef said) all the bonus collectibles picked up, as well as all crystals/pods collected, and all golds on each level.

Virginia, USA

All perfects doesn't seem like it should be a separate category, since it's basically just the ideal for a 100% run. You would also find people being more conservative in an all perfects run on some levels where the gold times are very lenient.

I was thinking about this myself recently and I'm basically on the same page. I think a simpler definition is probably "all xp" - so from new file to 9840 xp (which is basically just having a full blinged-out medal on every level), including bonus levels and/or codex entries if we want to do that

As far as doing levels in order - I would say whatever order is fine, since they aren't done in order for any% anyway. Menuing back and forth on level select is faster than ignoring upgrades from later levels or replaying levels to get stuff you couldn't get the first time.

Either way, if you have an idea for a category, go ahead and give it a shot. If needed, we can tweak definitions and titles later to make it a better fit, since it's doubtful your first few runs will be super optimized anyway.

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