While playing the Korean version of the game, I saw that level E06 to E11 are different from the Japanese release. I think it would be great to have them too into the leaderboard, and also add Any% NTSC-K since it's not the exact same game.
Here's all the titles of each Picross :
E06 : 감
E07 : 사
E08 : 합
E09 : 니
E10 : 다
E11 : 선물 아이콘
Ok example : I click on the page 5, the link will be "https://www.speedrun.com/the_site/forum/5" but i will be on the page 4.
When you are on page one, no number are highlight, and page 2 button go to page 1.
This is really weird.
My PMs are a mess, i talked with a good amount of people and some of them even deleted their accounts, it would be so great to clean/remove PMs with other users...
I'm thinking it could be great to clean the notifications too... :p
Just wondering, is it allowed to have multiple accounts ?
Hi, i saw that there is new username rules on the site : Now only 4 characters min, Extended Latin A isn't allowed anymore, you can't have only symbols.
What do you think about it, is "Invalid" username risk to lose theirs name ?
Hi ! Yeah, i wonder if anyone want to be mod, i'm the only one S.mod who still verify run or be active on SRC and i can't be here often and i also have issues for "All level" runs ( i'm bad at timing thoses things :x ) . if anyone want to be moderator with me it would be a pleasure. :)
Hi, when i click on "Edit profile" it send me to : https://www.speedrun.com/user/editprofile
And when i use : https://www.speedrun.com/editprofile/user/u it say : You cannot edit someone else's profile.
I'm stuck please help.
Hello :) I wanted to know if any mods knowed the bug about gradient bug. it allowed one letter name to get black color. It was cool but i think it's fixed. Sometimes it happend again, then fixed again. This is weird
Hi, i just wondering if the site got an update about countries localisation, i see a lots of players with Japan, Korea, and me North Korean localisation lost their flag. ( there is still one user with North Korean flag which is funny btw )
Thx <3
So. . . idk why but the color gradient for 1 letter is now isn't working. Just. . . Why ?
Hi, can someone just retime my run ( https://www.speedrun.com/Super_Mario_Flash_2/Level_2_Athletic ) ? i didn't use the same timer start than all the leaderboard, and after some verification, i'm not 1st.
I was wondering why you can use "Extended Latin A" Symbols and not others. why not adding more ? ( even adding japanese/korean etc. . )
Hi ! I just found a user without username, i can't access to his page ( because it's "/user/" ) he is from antartica and i just don't understand how this happenned. If someone know.
( Idk if i have to post this here, but it's about the site so... )
Seriously. . . this category is just "Who have the best Macro/AutoClick" In short, useless.
- Using a camera
- using sound ( hearing the keys )
- using a keyboard overlay *I know it can be fake but who gonna fake that seriously, and it's still a proof I tried to get WR without hacks, but i don't think it's possible to do WR without using something or not playing with regular keys
( Bad english ) Well. i'm now Mod on MINECRAFT flash game (Fangame) because the older mod gave it to me.
@Sladkésny are New mod ( because he had re-timed some runs and fix leaderboard. )
@Lul_ecks_dee : I removed you, but you can still ask for getting mod.
Sub-categories will be back
( this post gonna be removed soon ).
I see someone started Find Mii I and i'm verry happy about that but, i wanted to ask somes questions about.
Why JPN and KOR are same category ? if that Why not Any% for All regions in the same category ? Why No iQue(CHN) and TWN region ? they exist. ( iQue(CHN) Stopped getting updates so you can't hire old heroes ( idk if same for TWN ) but they should be a category :D )
And i got an idea for an category : Using only random heroes but i think this category have to allow Coin hack cause is just impossible to do it without . .
I know it's not the good place for that but i just want to ask why Find Mii I is not on Speedrun.com ?