is there a rat in every level? my idea was a run where you are required to pick up a rat in every level and you cant pick up any other items aside from keys
the ending of your mission 5 seems like it would save time though maybe
The commentary is how i feel when running this game lol. Thanks for submitting!
we would need someone to go through every level and find out the maximum possible amount of enemies, i also think theres a chance that scripted interactions would spawn more enemies, and some things such as starting the waves in m3 despawns all other enemies, so we would need to take all of that into account before finding out how to kill all enemies
hey sorry I didnt see this early enough, if you have any other questions let me know!
I see, thank you for the clarification. I cant consistently break the first door in 1 hit so i just dash then kick it, your route is very good though.
hey! im a dishonored streamer and i was watching a friend play through sleeping dogs and he had an odd glitch in the VIP room where he was teleported, i am not sure how it was preformed but similar fight moves in similar orientation could produce a similar result. i dont know if this is useful but i wanted to notify you guys because who knows!
the clip:
i got a 20.02 run, but i didnt record it i was messing around
should we have speedrun categories for the speed missions in dunwall city trials? i have been speedrunning kill cascade recently and i thought it would be fun for a category. aswell for diversity i like the idea of adding 100% or NLG categories for KoD and brigmore
but who wants to pick up coins AND not be seen?