Hong Kongsadkay3 years ago

TLDR: It's your display refresh rate. Set it to 60Hz (recommended)

Back in July 2021, @mechagodzilla18 submitted a Present Bounce Springs% run. However, the presents were moving faster than in any other run on the leaderboard, as if the footage was sped up (It wasn't). After a bit of back-and-forth and testing, he found out that the abnormality was caused by the display refresh rate. His display had a 144Hz refresh rate (for comparison, most runs on the leaderboard had a refresh rate of 60Hz only), so the game ran faster.

A bit more testing later, we discovered several things:

  1. Several games give you time advantages/losses depending on your display refresh rate. Currently, the only two games known to be affected by this are Penguin Dash and Present Bounce.
  2. Penguin Dash seems to have a speed cap for the penguin, at a refresh rate of 60Hz. (This means if you have a refresh rate lower than 60Hz, the penguin will move slower than normal. But, if you have a refresh rate higher than 60Hz, the penguin will move as fast as a 60Hz penguin.)
  3. Present Bounce does not have a speed cap for how fast the presents can move.

If you take a look at the Penguin Dash leaderboards, you can see that the speed of the penguin in different runs is different. This is caused by differences in display refresh rate. So, if you feel like Present Bounce/Penguin Dash is running slower for you than for others (or faster in Present Bounce's case), this is why.

1/12/2022 edit: It has been discovered that the same thing occurs in Rudolf Racer. There doesn't seem to be a cap for the reindeer's speed. The max refresh rate allowed in Rudolf Racer will be capped at 60Hz.

Hong Kongsadkay3 years ago

Hey all, because of inconsistencies in retimes, I am going to retime every level leaderboard run in the category and maybe clarify some rules (eventually). Heads up just in case your time/position for a particular category changes.

All minigames that need retiming (list will be updated as I retime runs): None! I've completed all of them!

There seem to be several runs that I cannot retime due to them being unavailable or on Google Drive, etc. I have decided to leave these times as they are if the video footage doesn't get updated. Also, please message me if I make any mistakes.

Info su sadkay
i play taiko now so yeah still active on discord tho
4 years ago
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