can i have the rom for this game pls
thank you guys, especially Th3on3C and Leka.
when i get to the stage after the first city i try to go down but when i click down it wont let me go down pls help me.
i’d like to announce that i’m not longer speedrunning this game, the reason of this is because i’ve gotten really. bored of the game and i haven’t really enjoyed it much anymore, on everything i love this isn’t an april fools joke i’m actually serious. Game over I wish you all the best ;)
i think we should change the way we end the timer. instead of the screen showing well done it sould stop when santa lands on the land with the castle, just like 60SBR. If you don't agree with me, that's fine. I'm just giving a recommendation
why do you use in game timing?
i downloaded slushopuppy's retime tool a few days ago and I think I can retime runs consistently without mistakes now. Can I become a moderator please?
Th3on3cC, thx for helping me, now I won't beg people to retime my runs XD
because I really need to know
i have some new category ideas. A category for each world and how fast you can beat them. The infinite food glitch will be allowed but only in any% runs. For glitchless runs, you don't do the infinite food glitch but still try to beat the world. For Grasslands, timing starts once you click "Start" and ends once you've beaten every race and clicked on the next world. Like it? or Not?
I think we should improve the timing of the game, we should start after clicking the start button, then stop when you hit the rainbow. I will submit my tutorial World Speedrun. No I don’t know how to retime.
nobody speedruns the man categories and i want to help this game get some attention, can i become a moderator please?