This is a known issue. Every time LFS is updated with a new build, it breaks the AutoSplitter configuration, this is mainly because right now I don't have the time to update the configuration for every LFS update and we haven't found a configuration that works regardless of the updates yet.
Sorry for this.
I've thought about doing this in the past, but I don't think it really fits here, specially because the hotlap times already have their own online leaderboard here:
Adding all the tracks here means we should also add sections for each specific car. So all combinations of Track + Car, right?
I don't really think creating a parallel leaderboard here in is a good idea, but hey, if people want it, I am open to discussing it and adding it if we believe it's best.
Just a quick update, I finally got it working. I won't delete this post as I believe it might be beneficial as reference or example for future new AutoSplitter developers, mainly because the script is pretty simple compared to what I've seen for other games, but still works perfectly for LFS.
AutoSplitter is up and running. I've tested it alone so I might have missed something, I'll update and adjust if any bug is found, but overall I think it works just fine.
Please feel free to use it and tell me if you find any mistake, let's get those times down now that menu and load times are ignored :)
Just wanted to let you know I started developing an AutoSplitter for the game. But I don't have too much experience and I can't really make it work as I'd like to.
If anyone has ideas or more experience and would like to contribute, all the relevant info is here:
Some conext first:
This is an example run where the AutoSplitter would be relevant:
And this is the current version of my AutoSplitter:
The script works fine, it detects the current level and starts a new split when the player enters a new level, but that's all that it does.
I am having problems trying to figure out how to detect when the player enters the first level (Clicks GO in the menu, the "level" value gets loaded when the player selects it from the list or when it completes one level and presses "next lesson", not when clicking GO), I've tried detecting the menu strings but they are inconsistent, they are never in the same memory address and they sometimes do not change value when entering a level.
Can anyone with more AutoSplit experience guide me in the right direction?
If I am not mistaken the only things I need to detect are
* The player enters a level from the menu (Without completing the previous level).
* The player crosses the finish line (or the player exits a level, both would work) in the last level, as the level counter does not increase, and Strings like "finished" are already loaded beforehand, so their value does not change.
Thank you all in advance :)
Thanks for the fast reply :D
I'll have to postpone my speedrunning until I get a working GBA (The one I had when I was a kid no longer works haha) and a way to record it.
I hope you hear from me soon again, if I do, it mean I finally got a new GBA haha.
Cya soon.
I just remembered I used to play this game a lot when I was younger, and I really would love to speedrun it now years later.
Just a few questions:
- Rules say nothing about emulators, are they allowed?
- Again, rules only say when to start timer and when it ends. IIRC, the game allowed you to skip some levels and still complete the game by completing the last level, is this allowed or do I need to complete every level to have a valid run?
Thank you :)
I expect Demo runs to be the most popular just because it is free. I imagine it'll eventually become the category with the most run, although I personally find S1 the most fun (Because I love the FXO).
Even if we somehow made HLVC work in training and it invalidates that test, it doesn't really mattter in Glitchless category, cutting is allowed both in Glitchless and Any%.
Should I create the new "Legit%" category now? You talking about HLVC and cutting makes me believe you want that category up already haha
Lots of good ideas here.
I'll start by changing the current "Glitchess" category to "Any%".
About the timing of the loading screens, you are right. I know there's a way to develop auto splitting addons for LiveSplit (I use one of these for TrackMania speedruns), but I've never developed one and I have no time for that right now as it would mean learning about the addon system, developing, testing, mantaining, etc. Maybe around summer when I finish my classes and work schedule goes back to normal, but I can't promise anything.
"Legit%" sounds interesting. This will work as a community and moderators can't decide anything by themselves, so if people want "Legit%", so be it. Looks like it would simply be "Glitchless" but adding an extra "No shortcuts" rule. You mention training doesn't have the shortcut detection system, so yeah, we'll need to moderate it manually.
I currently only thought about training categories, I prefer not to include single laps and similar because lfsworld already tracks these hotlaps and training is the only thing similar to a single player speedrunnable campaing that I found in LFS.
We still only have one moderator but I hope this changes soon, I'll look into adding at least 1 more.
I completely agree. but my english isn't that good and I didn't find better words for this.
Any recomendations?