I know that this forum has been dead for a while now but I decided to re-run 200 CC itemless and got a new PB/WR with 6:25.31
Probably 10 or 12 minutes so the games that are played last some amount of time
So I was thinking about it and what if there was a category where you play through the MyCareer mode with any team, player setup etc. and you try to win a championship
Rules: You must play at least 10 regular season games and 2 games in all playoff series Timing starts when you start the new file and ends when the 4th quarter buzzer sounds in the last game of the finals
Also failed miserably with a 7:07 itemless 200CC can easily be improved its just that Switch Rainbow Road and SNES really screw you over with the sharp turns but I guess it's WR since its the first one
I'd love to have this on the real leaderboards cause its quick but its difficult
First attempt got a horrible 7:49 for no Item 150cc and I was thinking what if we had a sub-category Rainbow% original game where (either on an emulator or official hardware) you do all the rainbow roads in succession on their original game. Definitely would be less popular and I don't know where you'd put that game wise but I thought it could be a cool idea