Fioresa your tutorial 1 record isn't possible to achieve on the newest patch anymore as you skipped the start of the tutorial by opening up the settings menu using a keyboard shortcut (i think the space key might be something different with the settings menu) as well as you not getting slowed by the tip from completing a continent (this might just be a me issue but I cant seem to get the guy stop telling me in tut 1) it may be possible to sub 50 still but i dont think you can reach 41 seconds anymore. I tried to go to an earlier patch but did not work forced me to update to latest. Also, the world war 1 and central powers scenarios have been removed which makes them unbeatable too, it also changes the wr i set in all scenarios + classic. Id love to hear im all wrong about everything and im being silly and everythings in order but im pretty sure im right.