discussione: Speedrunning
ValhallaZephyyrr6 years ago

In the specific case of Universal Paperclips, you can actually find it here:

ValhallaZephyyrr6 years ago

I think we have given at least indirect shout-outs to in previous years thanks to using their tracker and forums. To me, it would seem like the segmented runs was doomed as soon as people started watching live. I think the segmented run category has sort of fallen between the proverbial chairs of live single-segment and TAS.

There can only be a showcase if someone is willing to submit it to the scheduling team. Maybe do a campaing to raise awareness on Speed Demos Archive and here on to promote submitting such a showcase to events such as GDQ and ESA. Asking to include it without submitting it is kind of backwards.

We have had showcases in the past with a TAS tutorial in ESA14 coming to mind, so there is precedence. You could also argue that our Super Mario 64 70 star with 70 players is an mix of IL and single segment that works fine in a live environment.

ValhallaZephyyrr6 years ago

I guess I can bring Burgle Bros again. Co-op game to steal stuff from a randomly generated building, where you have to avoid the guards, find the passcode to the vaults and escape in the helicopter on the roof.

ValhallaZephyyrr6 years ago

I can bring enough for a complete station (cube, game, four controllers, BB adapter & network cable)

We might be able to stream something using the Elgato crowd-stream-station.

ValhallaZephyyrr6 years ago

I plan to take the train from Växjö to Hyllie on the 19th around 10 AM. I am very flexible exactly when I go if it suits someone else better.

ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

I had a great time during setup and the event. My only complaints would be the way everyone seemed to be gone for the later half of tear down. I can understand that people needs to leave on a Sunday to be back home for work/school on Monday, but this could have been handled better scheduling-wise to have the ending on Friday night instead.

While I has tech I did not get to see many runs due to generally having too much else to do so I can not say too much about it, but there was several runs during the night that I have to go back and watch afterwards. Maybe not put all the runs I want to see after midnight?

Venue was great, or at least Royal 1 & 2 where the stream was held. It was just the right size for this event, even if it was a bit crowded from time to time in the Tech area.

7.8/10 Too much Red Bull

zoton2 e Fatzke ti piace questo
ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

@Riekelt I guess it is time for me to read the rules again then. Was such a long time since I last played.

ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

I am worried about the sofas right in front of the corridor between Hall A and Hall B (1196 on the map). Is there no better way to place them? It looks like the could easily start sliding back or chairs be put up behind them by attendees and suddenly the corridor is blocked.

I am not sure how I would do it done differently, but something should change to make sure this does not happen.

ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

I will have my selection ready to bring if requested.

  • Exploding Kittens (Kickstarter version with NSFW deck) Do I even need to explain this? Draw cards from the deck until you get an exploding kitten. Unless you have a disarming card on hand. Unless it gets denied by another player. Unless you deny the deny... About 10-30 min depending on how fast you can be assholes to each other.

  • Dungeon Time (Kickstarter edition) Fast-paced cooperative 5-min game about completing quests for loot. Party places items and quests in adventure pile during questing phase. Afterwards, the pile is turned upside down and walked through. Any item goes into the bag (limited slots) and quests turn items into loot (more items that go into bag). If bag ruptures or not enough quests was cleared you lose. If whole pile goes through and enough quests was won, you win and can move on to harder campaigns. Pretty easily done in 10min once everyone knows the rules.

  • Burgle Bros (Kickstarter edition) Anyone played Monaco on Steam or Xbox360? This is a cooperative heist game for 2-4 players. Build a 3-floor stage and unlock the vault on each floor to steal the loots. Escape before anyone is caught or the whole gig is up and you all go to jail. Everyone plays a different character with special abilities to help them and the team through tricky situations (which will happen and requires cooperation from the team). Takes about 1h-1.5h.

I also have a copy of Trygg-Torkel the barbarian together with the beta-version of Trygg-Torkel 2 the pirate.

I should have some more but I have to get home from work and look in the shelf.

ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

We have recieved an offer for some Rock Band instruments for PS3 is that is of any use. I think there where some games included as well. Don't know how well they work, but they are free.

There where two or three guitars, microphone(s) and drum set.

ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

Well, there is not much time to properly organize this so there is not time talking around the issues. This is about on-par with 5-gamecube-4-gameboy players-4-GBA-8-GCN->GBA cables Four Swords Adventure in necessary hardware, which is no joking matter.

To summarize, I count 5 Gamecubes, 10+ controllers and 5+ copies of the game, which is enough for a four-cube setup. If we can we gather 3 cubes, 4-5 controllers and 1-2 more copies of the game, then we can have a full 8-cube game going.

ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

We might just be able to borrow one or two of the ESA House consoles. We should probably not count on it, but if we are missing one cube, that could be a solution.

ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

I have a cube (PAL), game (PAL), 6 controllers (1 Wavebird) and a broadband adapter on it way. Should also have a spare 4 or 5-way switch in the attic we could use.

The biggest problem is as you mentioned the broadband adapters. But if you have 8 of them then all we need is 8 TVs (This is ESA, no problem) and 8 GCs (Trickier, but managable).

Perhaps we should ask KrazyRasmus for a spot in the venue where this can be held. Since it is all LAN we only need power and space (tables and chairs optional). Perhaps in Hall B when it is not occupied by Smash or the LAN?

ValhallaZephyyrr7 years ago

Movies for children (I assume this is one of those) are usually shown in Swedish (dubbed) and English (or source language) with Swedish subtitles. For some movies, some smaller cinemas might only show one version due to scheduling and market reasons.

Unfortunately, the market för English voiced and English subbed movies is not terribly big in Sweden.

ValhallaZephyyrr8 years ago

I seem to recall putting up notices about lost and found all around the venue about a day in or so. But a central board for information might not be a bad idea if communicated to all attendees in a proper way.

ValhallaZephyyrr8 years ago

We should have a lower entrance fee for chairs to have more of them this time. I think the cost scared away most chairs from attending ESA16.

Mhmd_FVC, crazycharlieh e 4 Altri ti piace questo
ValhallaZephyyrr8 years ago

As the senior tech person for the run in question I can only apologize. Each runner submits their own bidwars and donation incentives, so it is up to them and the hosts to remember them.

For this run, we tried to be very quick in the setup, since the opportunity for it was there, leading to no hosting session in between and possibly some stress on the runner.

This is feedback we will bring with us to future events to make sure we at tech are aware of any donation incentives or bidwars for the current game to prevent it from happening again.

mrshoppingcat, Alko e 2 Altri ti piace questo
ValhallaZephyyrr8 years ago

I see no point in killing anyone willing to help out. I think we can find something for you to do.

Alko piace questo
ValhallaZephyyrr8 years ago

I want to add that to get to FORTNOX ARENA, you can also take bus 3 to Arenastaden Södra (Direction Samarkand). It is a bit longer to walk, but if there is some time before Bus 4 leaves or you want to checkout the path to Max Burgers, this is also an option.

For going to SCANDIC VÄXJÖ, Bus 3 is also an option. Once again, slightly longer to walk than with Bus 4, but for the same reasons, you might want to consider it. This time, you just ride it all the way to its final stop, Samarkand Södra. This also puts you in a good position next to ICA Maxi, a grocery store if you want to stock up on snacks.

ValhallaZephyyrr8 years ago

This shall be my contribution to Inside-ESA for now. The footage was taken today, but I did not have time until now to publish it.

SerSanju, MizterConfuzing e 3 Altri ti piace questo
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