discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

My own thoughts is that most of it comes down to "do whats in the rules until it forces a rule change"

  1. Since AI Forts are generated during Non-timed play I would say no to this outright, most AI fortresses are labyrinth nightmares but you save time from pre-exploration of layers, but might be negligible due to fps loss.

  2. You would have to time both forts so the benefit here would probably be none but maybe you can show something that would warrant a rules change?

  3. same situation here , i think the only application might be to get yourself to a position where you trigger certain events and then skip forward in time to the season transition by saving and loading multiple times. another situation where its probably allowed until it becomes a problem and forces a rule change.

RattleSalad piace questo
discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

well it doesn't go against the rules currently, but it would certainly be a much different experience. what are others thoughts on using abandoning/reclaiming/retiring?

Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

Steam version world generation sure does take a long time, these Porcelain Dwarves dug to prosperity quick!

unchowder piace questo
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

Fixed the speedrun with the new vod - thanks for the link

discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

It refers to no mods such as dfhack, dwarf therapist modifying the game outside of the game essentially ... use your best insight and read into the spirit of the rules.

jade_orb piace questo
discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

Just realized I forgot to implement this, going to now

RattleSalad piace questo
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

The rules change probably helps huh? Spend more time verifying the menu than controlling the dwarves :P

discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

Good point - it is intended to be the Okay right before gameplay starts, so gameplay and time would start as soon as you are actually capable of controlling the fortress/dwarves. This will obviously make all new runs faster and bubble out the old runs so I dont know if I even need to touch the boards really.

jade_orb piace questo
discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

Hello everyone.

I've left the leaderboards as they are for now, and have updated the rules to match with bolded changes. If i remember the admin panel correctly it should correctly show the global rules for every category with all the changes, and each category should have a brief blurb about that runs unique rule.

Since all of the old runs were run on the version of Dwarf Fortress before the Steam release, and the Free version of DF is now drastically different, I will be moving all of the oldschool runs off the board soon.

jade_orb piace questo
discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

I do intend to update the rules, it has just been busy, sorry for the delay here, I am continuing to verify runs and will recategorize once things are updated.

jade_orb piace questo
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

I see what you mean I need to revisit the rules and update them for post v50. Classic will become v50+ and premium will be the steam edition. then maybe I will make a <v50 board and move the older runs to it.

on that note i need to compare the free vs paid versions a bit more since this v50 stuff looks like it has incorporated a lot of the paid features like mouse control. Hopefully free still has keyboard controls because the new menu systems were a big reason why I stopped running

RattleSalad e jade_orb ti piace questo
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

Hoooly unbelievable what the run looks like with optimization done, not to mention that music trick. Nice stuff

Nebu piace questo
discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

I see your point, I should boot up the premium version and go through with an update with this in mind for all the premium versions. Likely would not invalidate any runs but make it more clear for future submissions.

WI is not too far indeed, I do a lot of business up there lol

DaLlamas piace questo
discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

The original Mountainhome% was much the same intention as this, showing off making a successful fort

In terms of the rules I would likely just copy-paste the existing ones and change it to be Metropolis instead.

Illinois, USAValkuma1 year ago

Nice run, I like your commentary as well. the steam version has come a long way already I havent seen some of these updates yet myself.

jade_orb e Agurno ti piace questo
Illinois, USAValkuma2 years ago

Very cool, nice to see it all done in a single stretch, i often play for 8 hours at a time without even reaching the first level of civilization just because i'm focused on building some kind of structure or another dumb dwarf trick in the making. a single death is very undwarfly, you've got to pump those numbers

RattleSalad e Agurno ti piace questo
discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma2 years ago

How does one show macros? I have to admit I've never used them in DF myself.

discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma2 years ago

Macros and scripts are another can of worms as well. I know in games like Half Life they have had to ban scripting (which macros is basically doing). Macros adds another layer of difficulty onto checking the runs if we have to verify they are in use, or just outright ban them.

discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma2 years ago

Good idea - Sorry again for not noticing this sooner. I will add a FPS counter to the rules , as I didnot know there was even a hotkey for increasing the cap. nutty

RattleSalad piace questo
discussione: Dwarf Fortress
Illinois, USAValkuma2 years ago

There are two concepts working at odds here - the concept of putting things into the run and the concept of setting things up before the run, that we are trying to strike a balance here.

Putting lots of prep time, editing profiles, setting up the world in advance, etc... all take time out of the run by prepping the run. It limits the run to only being performed on prepared versions of the game.

Worldgen is included because it does change aspects of the run. Similarly , perhaps we should exclude embark profiels because it is something you change outside of the run that impacts your run. The game should be as vanilla as possible.

DF is a very complex game simulation wise, these worldgen parameters can significantly impact your run from economy, legendary figures, etc.

jade_orb e RattleSalad ti piace questo
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