Hi folks,
I just wanted to ask if duckstation could be added to the accepted emu list? I know extensive testing has been done with MGS and it was proven to have very high accuracy with load times and lag, but its also such a practical wee emulator due to its ease of use and configuration.
I am gonna stream the game this evening if anyone would like to have a look for comparison/review purposes etc, but just thought I'd ask the question 😊
Thank you
Hi folks,
I'm just wondering if someone could help me find the CE rom for SNES please?
I've been eager to try this one for a while but when i try and search for it, I can only seem to find hacked versions or non-snes 🙃
Thanks in advance!
Hey folks,
Just wondering..
I'm trying to merge all my segments so its a single vid rather than all the splits,but I'm having a hectic time doing so (just for context, it sat at 2% after an hour).
Would the run get rejected if I uplooaded the segments to youtube as a playlist and submitted the link to the first one here?
I'll persevere if need be, but it'll literally take days to merge the vids.
PS, the finish time was 24:31:37. Not quite what I'd hoped for but happy enough.
Just checking to see if there's still a discord for the game?
Also, nice job on the new WR, Andy!
Thank you
I was thinking of getting into DW2 as it's a game I've completed a few times over the years (also, I need a break from RE lol). I guess I'm just posting in the hopes that new strats have been discovered, as well as keeping the forum alive :)