we should make a category for getting all 7 items but you don't have to have them all at the same time. This makes it so that you have to get garfield and lasagna. I think the category should be called 7 items with resets or something
I’ll do some runs. I could try to get wr in every category and also do runs in all of the il categories.
I was gonna retime my brief ending run the same way gwazi did but I could not find how he retimed it anywhere, the scratch timer was off, and yt frame timer did not give me his time. I want to know how gwazi's run was retimed so I can do runs of brief ending with the same timing rules as him.
i'll retime my run so that it's retimed the same way yours is
update: im so confused, I could not get 8.192 with any retiming method. with the same timing method I used, I got a 3.333 on your run which makes no sense because there were 0 frames you could see the player while he wasn't falling over in my video, while there were multiple in yours. Idk i'll just keep it like this for now.
also time starts the first frame the screen is completely black and ends the frame the ending is obtained if you're wondering why this run is 3 seconds
Im traveling for holidays rn but I will return on the 29th hopefully
alright I did it it should work now
I could retime this run for you if you want
Do you have to be playing the game the whole time or can you just play another game and return to doing the speedrun
does it end after the cutscene or when you appear in space
getting wr in every category will be basically impossible now but I still like the new categories
Is the final boss referring to Mario?