Washington, USATales4 years ago

I know it would be toxic if this were an actual category, but I still want to give it a shot. Trouble is, I don't know where to begin.

Should I just try and line up the dates for bugs/fish/events, and try and pick the shortest length that connects them all? Are there other timing's I should be considerate of? (Also, for my own sanity, I'd probably set date/time to the desired date/time once, before town creation, that way I don't have to wait upwards of year to start)

Also, are there any dates that might be problematic if I were to start out on? (Since day 1 would likely be quite limited by my tools / bells)

Also, how should I go about recording something like this? I don't exactly have multiple-months of video-storage. Would simply recording whenever I am actually not in the start-screen be sufficient? I know this isn't a real category, but at the same time, I don't want to just post a number online somewhere, and have it just be scouts-honor that it's real.

Washington, USATales6 years ago

[To preface this, this is regarding the fact that the Legendary Edition of Evoland, when it was released on steam, replaced both evoland 1 and 2 on the store; making neither of the original games available on their own. While previous owners of the games can still access the standalone versions, newcomers cannot.]

For anyone running the game with the Legendary edition, there are added delays within the menu screens. (Namely with regards to save selection, but also minor changes, such as how the default selection is "new game" with added input requirements to select 'continue')

Since the current strategies require a death/reload in the Mines of Noria, there is about a 2-3 second disadvantage to anyone playing the legendary edition; with other delays being possible if new strategies require more deaths.

While I understand the WR isn't down to the single-seconds mark yet, I believe it is important moving forward that there be a solution to this, unless a way of purchasing the original game is made public.

Just to throw out an idea; Since in evoland 1, it's basically a instant button mash + load-times, why not just cut-out any time spent in menu-interactions, as its own split, with the normal run's timer resuming as soon as the save slot is selected.

If that's not workable; and definitely for the time being, I agree that we should just continue timing like normal, but I would like to open up the discussion on this.

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