Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

Hello and good afternoon!

There'll be one final update for GA II leaderboards. Me and Habeebs_ are stepping down for moderation as Wedgiroth is being added as the new Super MOD, alongside QwertyQyx.

I've been here since long times and it was a pleasure to see so many good runners learning and improving the ranks around.

Wedgiroth e GoeX ti piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 months ago

Hello everyone! It's good to see this leaderboard so active recently, with all the runners giving their best to grind the ranks!

And after some huuuge time, we announce that THERE ARE NEW AND FRESH RULES!

The moderators sat down and solved some things regarding submits, since there were categories where no one knew how timing starts and all, so now all categories and subcategories have rules to clear up some doubts you all have.

The rules starts to apply today, so no previous run will be affected by it (except The Duel runs, where the new timing will be applied).

Once again, I shall congratulate everyone who's been submitting so far, you are doing wonders finding new strats and new times on the board!

If you have any questions regarding the new rules, reach out to me!

arturscabbed piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Hello everybody, Shime here!

So, recently I got into the Genesis version of this game for speedrunning and was having a good time, finding a good way to make a perfect route for this game. And so, I watched a lot both of the top 2 runners (DeeKnow and hydrapower) to check the best strats for it.

But watching DeeKnow's WR run, I noticed there was something different than my actual runs. I couldn't figure out but looked like he was gaining advantage by running the game on original hardware, as I was running on emulator. I thought at first that could have to do with the Fighter's agility. But it turns out it has to do with the transitions throughout the game.

I checked side by side both his WR and my 30:32 run, and timestamped it to be sure

DeeKnow's 29:14: My 30:32:

It's visible that DeeKnow's transitions are faster (tried timing, difference is around 2s), and I wanna know what's the cause of it: Usually, emulator runs are a bit faster than original hardware, but checking Drumboardist's runs (which is also on original hardware), the transitions times are similar that of mine and of hydrapower's.

Just to be sure, I'm not looking for problem here, I'm just curious of what could be the case, since it's really weird that amount of gain can impact on a speedrun.

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime2 years ago

Hello, everybody! The last 2 years were very active regarding this game and with it, a lot of new tricks and runners emerged to this game! There were a lot of topic about the game, specially around the biggest glitch in the game that broke the Normal/Hard category and I had a conversation with some runners about it.

So, starting 2022, runs will be splitted between Magic Overflow Glitch runs and Glitchless runs as a new sub-category. That will count for all categories except The Duel.

Also, there'll be some update regarding the game rules to prevent controversies when submitting a run. These rules will be starting also next year, and I will be glad to hear your feedbacks about it.

Thwompz piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 years ago

Hello, everyone!

Recently, there was an issue regarding a rejected submission of an user named "KYasputin", and it wasn't specified why. It took a few days, but I'll explain the whole deal.

KYasputin is the owner of the SMGP brazilian community, a group that it's active for more than 15 years, and still have a lot of new players and even runners (such as TA Marcos and peixemacaco). They've been organizing championships, challenges and even romhacks of both SMGP and ASSMGP 2.

But, the community itself has some controversity, and that's what KYasputin comes in.

Back in 2020, I was in charge of organizing a championship to celebrate SMGP's 30th anniversary. The way we do the championship there is by having a prepared savestate for the specific round, with the car we're gonna use, and people do a IGT time attack with their own developed strategies (which could be used for speedrunning, but it's quite hard to replicate perfectly all of them.)

The rules are clear: No cheating, splicing or something to forge your attempt. For that championship, it was sorted which cars would be used for each round, and for the first round (Brazil), the car chosen was Bestowal.

Yasputin did his attempt and uploaded it on Facebook, a 3'19''60. It was a impressive time and a top time for the record. This is the video:

However, there's something really wrong in his video. When he turns his car on certain sharp turns, the car doesn't lose speed at all- instead, it still gain speed. It's more noticeable on turn 2, which is a long turn.

Naturally, each sharp turn you take makes you lose speed, even on a Bestowal, which has the best stats in the case, despite it's low transmission. There was something completely wrong in his submission. Plus, Yasputin had a suspicious past of manipulating and teaming up with some other players to get advantage on the 2017 Championship, which he organized himself.

People suspected, as I did, and his run and participation were suspended to figure out what exactly happened. Searching for some more proof, and we know that some years ago, he tested some cheats on the game (). But the problem is that we couldn't figure it out what exactly he did, since the Game Genie codes doesn't match.

However, as I took him off the championship, he tried to dictate over the championship, and I've not only dropped the championship, but left the community as well.

Almost a year passed, and I've rejected his run because he's still suspicious about his runs on that championship. I've talked with Emperor about the whole situation and he agreed as well, although we still can't figure it out what exactly he did.

Due to that, he did a post on the brazilian community, which he confessed that he used cheats on a previous ASSMGP championship, growing more suspicious that he could use it as well last year.

Proofs are here:

https://www.facebook.com/groups/496902197014471/permalink/4125013234203331/ https://imgur.com/a/KKiAyON

Translation: All my obtained results on the 2019 ASSMGP will be also nullified... Due to use the championship for cheat testing that time.

So, as a conclusion, until he proves that he didn't cheat on that video, all of his submissions will be rejected for the time.

Cheating will be never accepted on this community, nor we will accept cheaters. We always want to have a fair competition inside the leaderboard and improve what this game has to offer. People are still making a lot of efforts such as romhacks and patches, as well as finding new strategies.

Hope you all have a good time and keep practicing!

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime3 years ago

So, how does exactly Wigwam fight works? Is it completely RNG? What do I need to pass through this boss the quickest way?

I am losing a lot of time on this fight, specifically.

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

Discord link is invalid, I wanted to enter but I can't D:

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

So, heya everyone, Shime here!

Been grinding the game for a couple of days and since I started, I noticed some stuffs around the game that needs to be shared for the ones who want to know more about the runs.

So, in general, GA II works exactly as the first game- Every spawn is default and they avoid the down stab attack if you press too early, although here we use more the mounts than the first game.

Yet, Tyris is the best/quickest character in the game, due to her magic making the boss fights more easier. It's the best character to start speedrunning it.

Gilius is still fun and he has the quickest first stage overall, since he can due 2 tackles with the mount + a level 3 magic to kill the giant faster (going around 1 sec. faster than Tyris, who can't use magic to preserve to second stage, and 0.5 faster than Ax, who has a lower level 3 magic, but can use it against the first boss.) and makes the RNG on the first camp a lot quicker, together with Ax (making it 3/4 seconds faster overall)

Although Ax uses the same strats as Gilius, he also has the same problems on the first game (for ex. not reaching the end of the screen with his dash attack), which makes him the hardest character to deal with, still he's faster than Gilius because stage 2 forwards his magic outstands Gilius'.

About the glitches, Raffmonster reported about making the black skeletons on stg 4 clipping through the wall and instantly dying as if it falls into a pit. That probably happens when you press the enemy too deep in the wall that it ends entering there and going all way down (I could do that on the black enemy on the third stage, near the stair).

There's a skip you can do in almost every stage start. Basically you skip the character's walk until where you're able to control it on every stage transition (except the first one). It needs to be studied, but that can save a couple of seconds if made it perfect.

That's it, that's some notes I had while grinding this game, hope you have fun!

IckleChris e death_master_d ti piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

Hey everyone, Shime here!

So, recently I got back for PB attempts on Gargoyles and then something about the Spike Skip on stage 1 (after the cauldron guys) bothered me a lot. At first I thought it was RNG but I found out why when you jump into the spike, it dragged you inside the spikes, rather than getting out of them.

It turns out it has something to do with Goliath's body hitbox when you take damage. I made two different attempts, one taking the damage near the cauldron without getting knocked back or stuck in the wall (which happens sometimes if you miss the dash into the cauldron), and one getting knocked back. And turns out I was correct.

This new discovery erases the previous strat, which you jumped into the wall and tried to jump through the spike to get up, and can save quite some time (around 3/4 seconds, I don't know how precise I am yet) if you don't get screwed with the prisoner next.

Here's the video:

SS without knockback/wall stuck:

SS with knockback/wall stuck:

The same thing can happen on the big climb before the first boss fight. But it's weird since his body hitbox isn't the same with all the spikes (as Tox mentioned days ago when I talked to him).

Anyway, I hope that can help you all, GL on the tries! \o

treyvz piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

Heya everyone, I'm shimegabriel and I came here to announce that there's an official discord server for Golden Axe speedruns, uniting every Golden Axe games that exists. If you want to come up, here's the link: https://discord.gg/rYMECdM

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

Heya everyone, I'm shimegabriel and I came here to announce that there's an official discord server for Golden Axe speedruns, uniting every Golden Axe games that exists. If you want to come up, here's the link: https://discord.gg/rYMECdM

Rice_A_Ronin piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

Heya everyone, I'm shimegabriel and I came here to announce that there's an official discord server for Golden Axe speedruns, uniting every Golden Axe games that exists. If you want to come up, here's the link: https://discord.gg/rYMECdM

IcKY piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

Heya everyone, I'm shimegabriel and I came here to announce that there's an official discord server for Golden Axe speedruns, uniting every Golden Axe games that exists. If you want to come up, here's the link: https://discord.gg/rYMECdM

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

Heya everyone, I'm shimegabriel and I came here to announce that there's an official discord server for Golden Axe speedruns, uniting every Golden Axe games that exists. If you want to come up, here's the link: https://discord.gg/rYMECdM

FelipeNascimento83 piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime4 years ago

Hello people! So, me and some speedrunners are organizing a Golden Axe speedrun tournament that's going to happen soon, and I came here to share the news with you all and ask you to join it!

The registrations started today and will be going until July 20th, the category will be Arcade - Tyris Flare! We're planning to make the tournament on SpeedrunsBrasil.

It would be nice if everyone here joins it!


InTheMug e Jesse_Lee ti piace questo
Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime5 years ago

So, yesterday I was chatting with Emperor about some ideas for this speedrun, and we agreed that the full World Championship is something very boring to run, since it's like 2 hours and half doing the same thing, and nothing new despite G.Ceara and getting down to Dardan.

So, I thought on having a new category for this speedrun based on only "beat one season". That could be splitted in 3 categories:

  • Crashless
  • Any%
  • Minarae% (consists of basically finish the game without changing the car. That could apply to the full WC category, but I guess on just one season would be enough)

I think that way people would try to make this one, since it's way more faster to do it than making 2 seasons.

We also talked about ILs (he posted on the forum about it). That would be amazing to compare each time, and since there's some people who run the Super Monaco GP category, it would be something interesting to try out.

I started a thread on the brazilian community so they could help me about some of the glitches, exploits possible in the game that could help on the speedrun somehow, I may post that later when I have enough stuff.

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime5 years ago

So, I just found a new bug that swaps your championship points, together with another drivers when you change cars.

Explaining the situation: I was making a Crash% run (on a WR pace), and everything was going great and all, until I forced my second retire on a Firenze, forcing me to go to Bestowal on Japan. Then, mine, Picos', and Elssler's Championship points got swapped, and Picos got my points, I got Elssler's points and Elssler got Picos' points, which ruined my attempt at all.

Link of the screenshots about the bugs: https://imgur.com/a/B3nHZLO

Rio de Janeiro, BrazilShime5 years ago

Hi! My name's Gabriel, and I'm beginning my first steps as a speedrunner, starting from Super Monaco GP!

Actually, since 2005/2006 in Brazil, on the Orkut social media, a group of people started a SMGP championship, similar to a speedrun (but separated through different GPs). And it has championships yet (Also we are having a championship using only C Class cars.), and a couple of them (including me) started to stream the game. As to me, that is my first step to speedrun the whole game.

But then, let's back to the subject: Glitches.

Some guys in the Brazilian SMGP community found a glitch on the game that consists of passing through the grass without losing too much speed, instead of turning the car on the hard curves (like this one in Spa: )

So, I'm thinking about using it on the WC No-Crash speedrun. Is it okay?

Another thing I was thinking about is a Monaco GP Discord, would it be a good idea?

Anyway, there'll be probably new speedrunners on SMGP and probably ASMGP on the next few weeks, aside from me! I hope they'll enjoy it!

Info su Shime
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