Press F1, then uncheck box that says "Skip Dialogues".
You can watch my pending KappiMod run to see what I do to avoid the softlock, the timestamp is 56:35 in the video.
WARNING: You WILL get softlocked if you are playing with skip dialogue on KappiMod enabled. In the level "Out Of The Core!" you will be teleported back into the core room after Core Mita throws you with no way out, re-loading the game will not fix it.
As of right now, the only workaround to this is to disable the skip dialogue feature during the animation where Core Mita throws you out of the core room and re-enable it after you gain control of the player.
Are you talking about Double ESC macro in 0.92 and below or Spacebar macro for 0.93? Double ESC macro does not work in 0.93 so that won't do anything now. You need to type "skipdialogue" in the in-game console and use Spacebar to skip text now, however making a macro for Spacebar is not allowed.
See announcements for more instructions.
Why is the 1st place Any% Stay Ending run a Suicide Ending run?