Effort mainly. I put hundreds of hours of work into my solo run and no one (myself included) has put that much work into co-op.
Additionally the netplay has a tendency to desync which means a lot of the tricks are very inconsistent in co-op. There are ways around this though (Using Proton or Steam Remote Play, or just being in the same room as the person you're playing with).
The stage portion of 7-4 is surprisingly easy once I sat down to figure it out, but the boss portion always feels like a gamble, even though it feels completely effortless when it works.
I think the main thing that might be patched is getting stuck inside a block bubbling you, since it breaks some levels like 7-2 completely. Damage not removing run/bounce speed probably won't be patched since it was an intentional change away from previous behaviour. Honestly its great since it opens up way more options for bounce routing and lets you keep bounce speed through the entirety of 1-1 and 1-4. And avoiding damage is still technically faster when possible.
If you are interested I have a bunch of videos of IL strats on my twitter, though I haven't looked too much at the reverse levels yet since I'm focusing on any% https://twitter.com/ssupnerds
Also books aren't needed for any% assuming any% is reaching the credits in world 8 which it should be. I believe only 32 of 40 books are needed to unlock reverse levels so there's a pretty big difference between all levels and 100%. https://www.twitch.tv/nsmring_kkp has been running 39 exit, which does all the main bonus levels except 8-5 (ending at the credits). Challenge mode and normal mode would also be very different runs because of damage boost and bubble restrictions in challenge mode.
I believe most of the patching is done and Desunoya said they'd be relaxing after Comiket but we'll see I guess. So far all patches have only broken the game further.
I added No Out of Bounds as a variable for all levels and added your time. I haven't added one for Any% yet as the current route does not use any out of bounds exploits though will do so if that changes.
I am not opposed to the idea, though I think there should be some discussion for what is and isn't a glitch.
For example, if you use the rocket boost immediately at the beginning of the level it won't use any kiadama. You do this in your run at 12:35, where you start the level with 6 but remain at 6 after using the first boost, getting 4 boosts total before running out. I feel like this is definitely a glitch, though I wouldn't want any category that restricts it, since it would be hard to avoid doing, and annoying to verify.
Maybe "No Major Skips" or "No Out of Bounds" might be a better name for the category.
I feel like it makes more sense to have the free roam categories be labeled as "Free Roam 100%" to be more in line with Absolute Drift's categories and because it does a better job at describing the run.
I also think the individual maps should be moved over to level leaderboards so that group can be used as a variable like with career speedruns to clean up things a bit; though I understand if this is too difficult to do.
Community leaderboard for lap records as well as various community events.
This is known however doesn't really matter since menu time doesn't factor into the final in game time that we use.
Will the event be cozy? or will it be esports hype garbage?
Run: Flywrench
Required equipment: game, PC, Monitor, X360 pad
Equipment I will bring: game, X360 pad
Dates i will be attending: May 19th-23rd
Can the marathon use my equipment for other runs: Yes
Room is now full for all days for anyone still looking.
My room is full now, but one of our people will only be there for one night (22nd). So if anyone is at the event for any day but the 22nd and wants a hot deal on a room I`m open.
Got room for 1 more if anyone is still looking. Message me on twitter if you're interested.
This isn't likely, but if anyone here is familiar with Flywrench speedrunning I would love the have you on the couch. Most of the run I can commentate myself fine. But I need to concentrate hard with Sun Skip at the end so I tend to not explain it or explain it very poorly when doing live commentary. It would be nice to have someone be able to explain what I am skipping as without knowledge of the actually level it ends up looking like I do the level completely normally when I'm actually doing a very precise and neat skip.
I have dominion+several expansions if anyone else is into that game or is interested in playing it.
I've booked my own room, anyone who wants to room with me message me on twitter or twitch.
I'm still looking Raikou if you want.