discussione: Xenogears
FrancePetroleVB4 years ago

Turbo I've already set my mind on this on the other post, I'm ok with it :)

Timing End I kinda agree also. I think it would be more logical to put it at the last input in my opinion, as it feel strange to end the timer at Urobolos but still have textbox to input ? But it's just feeling and I'm ok with both as well

discussione: Xenogears
FrancePetroleVB4 years ago

I don't really have any thought on NMG category ... I guess eventually disc swapping in the middle of the game might be consider a major glitches

About Turbo you take a fair point there ... I never thought about the related health problem, I always saw it as kind of endurance thing but in the end it might end baddly for your hand/wrist (and possibly your controller too) That's also right that there is at the moment no known exploit with the Turbo, it might only slows you down if you do it the wrong time (ask Bif for RNG manip .... that's hell in this game ...)

Absolutely no problem with Segmented 100%. But I still think all the "Misc" leaderboard should be back with the US leaderboard, as the game used is exactly the same, and as running those in japanese would mean other categories as well

And concerning your first point the route is kinda ultra-safe and a bit brainless too ;)

discussione: Xenogears
FrancePetroleVB4 years ago

There is no point denying that these new things tear a bit the game appart, meaning that a "no-major glitches" makes sense.

That being said, the skipped parts are mostly long dialogs and uninteresting (as speedrunning matters of course)

In addition to that, it shows that a lot of stuff is still do be discovered in the game, and it can also gives many ideas to other glitch hunters (even in other games)

For these reasons I think that Any % should remain the main category

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