The title says all.
There is a lot of levels in this game, an autosplitter can be useful. And i don't know how to do it. xD
Hi. First I love glitchless run more than glitched run, but for me the only real glitch in this game is the level skip with Mickey. I don't consider Super Jump or slopes boost as glitches. I understand the frustration of the frame perfect jump and I have that problem also to not be consistent. But I think it's not relevant to do 2 categories
I have a question for the moderators. Im trying to build a route for the all levels run and Im thinking about something. It might be a little bit faster to game over and use a continue in the run to get back some units. It is valid or it should be 1crédit/continue ?
posted 2 runs to check. One of 16m49. But I found a new way and I have a 12m55 pb now. This route is the most optimised way I can find to finish the game as fast as possible. But if you have any idea Im open to discuss it with you
Hello everybody ! Im posting here because I tried to run the SMS version and did a decent time 16m49. (I need to upload the video first.) But how can I do if I want to record the run here ?
You can hold them there is only 6 infinite weapons (counting dagger) max rank will be so annoying to do.... imaging losing like 1h to just tank oàne bar damage and heal yourself and then kill one ennemi 100 times in a row to get it.
Because in 100% you want to include all infinite weapons too ? You already almost collect them all if I remember. Will took like 2-3 minutes to do a loop for fire bow and one metal bow.
@themightybill Im not a big runner of this game. I play a lot of different games so my time on this game is limited. And also a lot of categories seem not interesting. And it's what I said : the best runners are focused to only a few runs. Ok Have fun to fill the board ! :) And there will be one more run tomorrow ! hahaha
If you start thinking about speedrunning Sor4, I think it's just confusing to have so much criteria that's why I started this thread and also to "focus" people into some categories so there is more times and competition.
And yes I do content on my small you tube channel about Sor4, I was the one that commented the run of themightybill for SGDQ2021 (french restream). I also proposed and did a run in Interglitch, a french charity marathon of speedrun. But I didn't want to say this one because Im not here to promote that because it's not appropriate
I just wanted to propose something to think about because Im also new in Sor4 speedrunning even Im a huge fan of Sor (all) I only tried to speedrun it (maybe them one day) now.
And one last thing about my "only 35sec" : shiva mania+ arcade Wr is 40mins. Try to do 45mins first and you will see that it's not easy at all to do it. :)
@jpr1est Yes you can't compete with players that spend 1000+ hours in this game but you just want to be 1st or don't do it ? If you think like that you will never do anything in you life. In the moment I speak I played only 160hours so I know I don't have the level to compete against top tier player, but speedrunning is also about playing against yourself to be better. And having people that have better times can also encourage you to give more. For exemple I runned DuckTales on NES I am 130th/295 and Im happy about my time because It's only 35sec from WR, it's clean and I didn't spend years to improve this time ( only 1 week maybe). And I runned Kenseiden on SMS and got the world record on AllBosses category with 10:58. But the time I have now in only thanks to the guy that did 11:11 because before it was 12:11 and I would have stopped my grinding only around 12minutes if there was not that 11:11 time. I know I am a competitor because I play tornament and competitive games a lot so maybe that's why I think like that. Having opponents is not a problem but a strengh for a solo game speedrun.
@GAM3ENDERZ Score attack and speedrun is totally different. Games that have score attack have a leaderboard on their own and not in Because to go fast you need to sacrifice your combo or skip bonuses. It's anti synergic. Deathless runs can be fun in high levels of difficulties to be honest.
And yes ! Having a time attack mode inside the game and not only a Rank S can encourage people to speedrun :)
@oDSFM Indeed you can think to do only a Sor1, sor2 and sor3 mixed characters board. I was speaking for V07 of course. Don't erase pre-dlc records. lol I understand why you want to keep all. But today I can do a 2hours run on a random level in a random non-used difficulty and have a WR.... which is kinda sad.... Or even have 50 meaningless WR if I snipe them, and comparing to a really contested WR with a good runs I can't have or I should work to have it, I prefer to be 5th or more to that kind of time. ( Im even lazy to snipe) It's ok you are the mods. Im just pointing that fact. I didn't expect you to change them. Im nobody. I don't know if I explained well my feeling but for that game I love so much I feel this leaderboard can be better.
Im sending this message because I think there is too much categories in the leaderboard. 21 characters * 6 difficulties * 13 (full + 12 IL) +21 (boss rush) +5 survival + 14 (2players) = 1678 categories WOW! Why ? Because there is still a lot of "empty" times and because even if Sor4 is popular we are not enough speedrunners to fill all. I noticed one thing. The normal, hard, hardest and Mania difficulties are the ones with few times and sometimes the "world record" on them is longer than mania + for arcade full games because there is no "try hard" on this category. And IL times are empty. That's why Im thinking if reducing the number of categories will bring more competition and then an overall better quality of runs, because the more you are the more you need to improve to get the world record or a good place in the leaderboard. So only keeping Easy and Mania + available can be okay ?
You are right we should not be able to grab also the bow caller with Shade. For pressing buttons with bombs, it is just part of the game play, because there is 2 places we NEED to that to advance in the game (last level and the cavern after the boat where you find the necklace but skipped by the oob). My main reason for the glichless section is a run where you can see all the levels without doing the 100%. So no oob. But to call it glitchless there is more than only oob. So for you the glitches are only : oob, invulnerability and zombie state ?
ok maybe Im too harsh for "glitchless" ... And bombs jumps should be allowed. But you use weird physics to get red key. (you grab from 2 different high level and need to be in a lower part to grab the key or you can't grab it). Poor coding is not where a glitch begins ?
It is possible to add a new category Any% GlitchLess ?
Which means :
- no dytto skip ( the effrit boss level's door)
- no oob
- no bombs glitch ( invulnerability, "undead" status, bombs jumps for sequence breaking)
- destroy cristals with bombs, activate a switch or start the fire with them is allowed (also with bows)
- no red key grab with Shade in three eyed boss cavern
Maybe I have something missing but with that rules it should be like "speed run the game but play as intended by the devs". And for me it's more funny because you don't skip levels ans it makes the game a little bit harder (even if the game is quite easy)
The thing is a lot of guy reaching 50+ in survival are using Shiva. It doesn't mean it's impossible to others characters but it seems more reacheable for Shiva more than with other characters. It will be Shiva's survival only ? I agree to have different categories and level 50 is like losing your run in one single hit....
It's a good idea but my level max for now is 37 hahaha. So it's hard to speed run a point you can't even go in casual