i don't know if anyone suggested this already, but this is my Pokemon RS bingo speedrun
setup: you must get your starter and pokedex. once you leave the lab, the timer starts
- must get a bingo to end the run, E4 and Steven isn't required to beat the challenge, but is optional
- bingos must be obtained 5 in a row left to right, up or down, or diagonally, and free space could also be used to get a bingo
- you must complete everything on that square unless otherwise mentioned
- species and OHKO clauses are enabled. Check smogon for what they mean
- time ends when you either get a bingo or when all your pokemon faint
- must use speedruntools.com's rs board, found here: http://speedruntools.com/bingo/pkmn-rubysapphire
hope you find it good to include in the speedrunning community, and feel free to comment any suggestions
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