discussione: Timespinner
OmniMitch1 year ago

Hi all, this may not be the best place for it, but I thought the community should be made aware that my Discord account has been compromised. It has the same name (although I'm pretty sure the screen name is just Mitch) and pfp that you see here. I heard from friends that the perpetrator has been using my account to ask my friends (and probably server members) for money. If I were you all, I would just block, kick, ban, maybe even report that account into oblivion if you can. If any of you have mutual servers with the account, please let those communities know to kick or ban it from their servers. I plan to make a new account as soon as I can. Thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience.

OmniMitch1 year ago

Hi all, this may not be the best place for it, but I thought the community should be made aware that my Discord account has been compromised. It has the same name (although I'm pretty sure the screen name is just Mitch) and pfp that you see here. I heard from friends that the perpetrator has been using my account to ask my friends (and probably server members) for money. If I were you all, I would just block, kick, ban, maybe even report that account into oblivion if you can. I plan to make a new account as soon as I can. I have reason to believe that the hacker got access to my entire chrome and all my passwords, so I'm busy setting new ones right now. Thanks in advance and sorry for the inconvenience.

OmniMitch2 years ago

This is also a pain in full game runs. I second this change.

Edit: Wait, is it possible to skip the ending? If not, then I'm liable to forget to sit through the ending so I can show my difficulty afterwards. As much as I support this change, I may just continue showing the difficulty at the start of my runs

Kirizaki_Akira piace questo
OmniMitch4 years ago

Most of this game was pretty tame, all things considered, but this boss can die in a fire. Can't say I expected it to be easy, but good lord what a difficulty spike.

My current stats at Team Tank 21 are as follows: Vi HP: 22 Kabbu HP: 24 Lief HP: 22 31 TP 11 Medal Points I stocked up on a bunch of glazed honey and fried eggs. Got one magic seed in there somewhere.

As you can see I didn't prioritize my medal points much, and I think that's my problem here. I didn't find many medals throughout my playthrough and I didn't have much reason to change them around until the very end it seems. Currently I have an HP Plus medal on everyone, a TP Plus equipped and... nothing else that would be even remotely helpful for The Everlasting King. Some poison-resistant stuff and that's it. What medals should I look for?

After many attempts I've picked up that he can only do his restorative attacks while grounded. By attacking in the order of Vi>Lief>Kabbu I can get the max basic damage out while keeping him in the air so he can't heal himself. That works long enough to get him to round 3, but as soon as he brings out the two artifacts that combine everyone's at low enough HP for the artifacts to kill everyone.

discussione: Metroid Fusion
OmniMitch5 years ago

Did this run on stream yesterday. I ignored the power bomb this time, but all the other instances happened again... except for the double screw attack split... odd. This run was prior to your first update, or at least prior to me noticing it. I'll go install it after this post.

Unrelated, but if you're curious about the handcam/one-handed play, that's not a self-imposed challenge. I have minor cerebral palsy that limits coordination on my entire right side. Not the same medical diagnosis as Halfcoordinated, if you're familiar with him, but we're both hindered in the same way. I've always played better one-handed than with both.

discussione: Metroid Fusion
OmniMitch5 years ago

These random splits might be due to me running any% easy, but probably still worth investigating. Below are timestamps for the video, not the run itself: ~19:50 There's a frame in Zazabi's room that gets split, right around jumping to the highest ledge in the room *this happened to me twice; once in this video and once in a dead run ~1:02:50 The power bomb expansion after the sector 5 SA-X sequence gets a split. Good for 100% but for any% most runners probably avoid this one. ~1:07:55 Missile expansion in the reactor silo gets a split. Again, good for hundo, not so much for any% ~1:34:55 There's a second frame after screw attack that gets a split, resulting in a premature PB for me

Aaaaaand that's everything out of the ordinary that happened to me. It's a lot of work, I'm sure, but I imagine the finished autosplitter should have checks for each expansion in the game, mostly for 100%. What I think would be really handy is a split upon freeing the animals in the habitation deck; I see lots of runners have a split for that.

video_james piace questo
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