MexicoMikeKatz456 years ago

There isnt really a hp4 specific discord, but there is a general hp discord: I must say however that there aren`t many runners actually interested in hp4, but I can help you if you have any questions :) since I know this game pretty well. Unfortunately the ps2 and pc versions are the same except for loading times so they cant be really considered different games with different leaderboards; in fact all games after HP3 are exactly the same in both console and PC.

MexicoMikeKatz456 years ago

Xeln64, pretty sure he meant it has to do with the fact that VC uses graphics that allow GIM to be done without crashing in any%, and that it has nothing to do with the fact that VC is 1.2.

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

it would be yeah, although it would be kinda difficult to have a setup file every time you want to do attempts since this game can only store 1 file at a time. So if you like want to do all limitation runs as well you cant cause you would have to erase your all duelists file and setting up the file again takes like a whole day of playing.

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

I have been trying to find strats to speedrun this category, a detailed research note of what I did can be found here:

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

yeah it actually didn't turn out to be as good as I thought, got a time but I don't have the intention to submit it anymore. Instead I worked a little bit with all duelists and will be posting shortly on the forum about it.

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

could you be a little bit more specific about which bridge you are talking about? or what category/challenge you are working with?

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

So before moving on with this game I wanted to do something called Exodia% lol, the rules would be as follows:

Goal: beat Marik's pyramid Restrictions: every duel you win must be via gathering the 5 Exodia cards in your hand (passwords allowed).

Ive already done 1 run and would probably post one soon if the category is approved. Thanks for your attention

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

you never get the BEUD pack D: Also I'm very skeptical about cyber stein being better than all the other options

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

I suggest you record a run, then contact one of the mods of the category extensions leaderboard and tell them to open a space for your run in there. They will most likely post your run right away if you have video and everything.

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

which version? ps2, GC or xbox?

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

I think you forgot to set the invite to "not expire" c:

MexicoMikeKatz457 years ago

From what I understand in the emulator rules binding multiple inputs to one button is not allowed but having one input in 2 different buttons is allowed? (in this case right being both right on joystick and on D-pad) in some emulators its not possible to unbind joysticks

MexicoMikeKatz458 years ago

yeah inputing the passwords kills the whole thing + building a deck in-game seems more challenging and fun, or maybe having a separate category in which you can input cards could be a thing

MexicoMikeKatz458 years ago

I agree, all cards is a really bad idea for this game.

MexicoMikeKatz458 years ago

Hello guys, so I'm planning on starting to time some things in the game and see if it could be fun to speedrun this. Just thought I ask which emulator would be nice to use. Based on what its allowed in other Yugi GBA games my guess is I should use BizHawk but I don't know for sure.

Thanks in advance.

MexicoMikeKatz458 years ago

All the main categories aside from any% and glitchless require DoT skip. Its not that bad, just keep at it and you´ll get it

RenStr1f3 e Marthur ti piace questo
MexicoMikeKatz458 years ago

I use an original N64 controller + mayflash usb adapter for emulator. Not that expensive and totally worth it, I´ve heard other people had good results too with original GC controller + the same kind of adapter

Info su MikeKatz45
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