San Diego, CA, USAMajic8ball2 years ago

nice run dude!

A trick I learned for Kareem is you can play e4 (to which he will always respond with f5) and then Be2 and Bh5+. Hope you get a line where you can play Qg4 and Bxg5 and Qxg5 ends in a mate. If not, make sure to refresh the page, resign, and try again(refresh is important to make the bot play different moves; if you resign and do not refresh, the bot will play the same moves and mess up the run in the exact same way)

For Wayne, you can play d4 and Bg5 with Bxd8 in mind to instantly win the queen and this will almost always work. Same thing with Mina except you must play d4 and h4 before Bg5 or else Mina(who is slightly more intelligent than Wayne) will just take your bishop. Refresh page+resign if these tricks dont work and hope that it works sooner than later.

Gl on future runs!

Info su Majic8ball
3 years ago
2 years ago
Giochi corso
Ultima corsa 2 years ago