Corse del livello
Livello: 27
Livello: Level 7
Livello: Level 1
Livello: Level 2
Livello: Level 3
Cave story
Livello: Kate's Time Attack (RTA2)
Livello: 0-1 Tutorial
Livello: Drill Land World Tour
Livello: World 1
0m 55s
Livello: All Wood Types
Livello: Level 1
Livello: Shifting Sand Land
Livello: Endurance Mode: Versus(Tetris)
Livello: Kirby
Classic 0.0
2m 51s
Livello: Sephiroth
Livello: Not Even an Annoyingly Simple Trials
Livello: Not Even an Anger
Livello: Not Even a Stress
Livello: Not Even a NEAT
Livello: 2006: Tree Jumps
Livello: Room of Starting Simple
Shit Game
Livello: Tower of Annoyingly Simple Trials
Livello: Tower of Madness
Livello: Tower of Stress
Livello: Tower of Rage
Livello: Citadel of Laptop Splitting
Livello: Maybe A Tower
Livello: Citadel of Wacky Strategy
Livello: Tower of Funny Thoughts
Livello: Tower of Inverted Colours
Livello: Tower of Despair
Livello: Tower of Spiralling Heights
Livello: Tower of Elysium
Livello: Tower of Nice Views
Livello: Tower of Glitching and Healing
Livello: Tower of Zero Disturbances
Livello: Tower of Contractual Obligations
Livello: Tower of Yearning Success
Livello: Tower of Terrifying Beauty
Livello: Citadel of Constant Heart Stopping
Livello: Steeple of Meaningless Decisions
Livello: Tower of Jolly Good Fun
Livello: Steeple of Uninstalling Roblox
Livello: Citadel of Weird Nostalgia
Livello: Tower of Yo Mama
Info su Lor
22 Years old who does speedrun games in general!
Contact me via Twt if you have any questions?
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