discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Well then, have a good life I guess.

discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Ok so don't start with the "Wanna go out?" Question, you need build up.

So first think of what you might want to do. Lets take a movie date for example.

So you're talking. Start with small talk and eventually ask her if she's seen any good movies. If she hasn't, talk about a movie that you thought looked good, and if she thinks it seems interesting ask her if she would like to go see it with you sometime.

So what I'm saying is you should have a little bit of leeway leading to the question. Have the date idea involve what you were talking about. Blatantly asking if you wanna go out is kind of weird imo and if she does happen to say no,,, that will make it super awkward.

Hope this is helpful and good luck dude ;) You got this!

discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

You know Battle, I understand your opinion but I disagree. I personally think that analogue is tons easier with 3d plateformers. However if you think otherwise that's fine. I also personally believe that you are a very insane person who seems to ask for peoples opinions and then get angry when they give them, which is why I PERSONALLY don't like you. But hey, that's just my opinion.

But back to the topic at hand.

I can't really see how you would turn analogue into directional movement. I know that if you use a analogue controller and play a game that doesn't support it usually changes to directional. But I can't see how you would physically take the software and re assign it. Now I think PlayStation controllers have a d pad. Maybe you could use that? That's the only possibility I can see. Now I'm not saying it's impossible to do what you're saying, but I've never seen it been done.

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

So like all exits?

Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

I'm a difficult person, sorry.

I'm unsure of what "All Regular Exits" exactly means. I read the rules, but it's still not clear to me.

discussione: Speedrunning
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Who tf plays video games?

discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Just curious... What kind of stuff do you like to do outside of speedrunning?

I'll go first.

I'm a very avid Roleplayer I write Fanfic Screenplays I memorize Movies I'm really into The Lion King ( Lion King 1 < Lion King 2) I do a bit of bird watching but it's not something I keep up with And last, I'm a big people person. I enjoy making friends.

discussione: Speedrunning
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Look for visual ques. That's all I have to offer.

discussione: Introductions
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

So I've been part of this community for quite some time but never introduced myself.

Hi, I'm Lance. I'm not much of a speedrunner as I am a router and Glitch/trick hunter. I've done routing and hunting in multiple games but only made a huge impact in like three. My favorite game is Crash Tag Team Racing just cuz I like the vibrant colors of that game. One of my favorite things (when it comes to this website) right now has been interacting with people through these forums. I'm not the funniest piece of sugar in the herd, but I can attempt to make people laugh.

I love Birds

If you wish to talk more my Skype is "Ben (Lance)" I use discord too so yeah.... please. I get lonely really easily and could use more people to talk to. But identify yourself or else I'll just assume you a Skype sex bot and decline and block you. You know how it is..

I would love to become more well known throughout this community.

Anyway, I'll see you all around.

discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Type the following sentence with one hand and your eyes closed:

The fitness gram pacer test.

My attempt(phone) : Rgw fitnfxx gtsm pacsf gexg

And i goofed

TwitterLover piace questo
discussione: Speedrunning
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Don't speedrun a game you love. Just trust me.

j3j_ajxx, ShaftHatesLife e 25 Altri ti piace questo
discussione: Speedrunning
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Oh my goodness, quite an extensive reply. Wow.

discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for?

You may not wish for anything that involves getting more wishes.

My wishes would be;

  1. To be able to transform into any animal
  2. To be smart.
  3. To be immortal
discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

tbh half of the threads in this section should be in the speedrunning section.

just sayin.

we should be talking about like our feeling in this section.

discussione: Speedrunning
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

You just request the game to be added. Also, try to not necro a one year old post, it's just kind of weird. It would be better if you just made a new post. :)

ROMaster2 piace questo
discussione: Speedrunning
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

I'm sure we all have a game that we run or ran that we absolute hate. Tell me what game you absolutely hate running. Now be sure that you give a game that you actually ran and not one that you just /think/ is a bad speedrun without having any experience running it. Also tell me why you didn't like running it.

Of any game I've ever done a run of, my least favorite would have to be Spyro Enter The Dragonfly. Now it had nothing to do with the game itself but more its controls. I just couldn't get a hang of them. Well also the any% is way too short. I'm not a fan of short runs.

discussione: Speedrunning
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

I'm sure we've all lost a run to a dumb thing like a glitch. Post a run (highlight) that you or someone else lost because of a glitch or something. It's would be ever better if the runner had no idea that something like that could happen.


discussione: Introductions
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Hi there, I'm Lance.

Starting speed running with an intense category like that sounds like quite a chore. I'm sure if you have troubles that you could contact someone from the community who would be more than willing to help. Anyways, welcome to the family and have fun running!

discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

I would like to be interviewed. Name: Lance Main Focus: Glitch Hunter (I also speedrun though) Game+category: Crash Tag Team Racing Any%

Also will someone be asking me questions? Or will I need to have like a spread sheet of questions to answer?

{Edit} Well it looks like both USA spots are already taken. :/

{Edited Edit} Oh wait, I read more thoroughly, I'll talk about Glitch hunting if need still.

BnH247 piace questo
discussione: Talk
Ohio, USALance_8 years ago

Toy Story 2 Buzz Lightyear to The Rescue - It would be so perfect if they fixed the mechanics and graphic to more realistic ones. Sonic CD - I really don't want a graphics up date.. Just a little polish here and there. Sonic R - I don't have to say anything for this one. The Lion King: Simba's Mighty Adventure - Just go look at how bad this game looks. Definitely The Gex Trilogy - I don't know about this one cuz I don't want to feel like I'm play and the gecko from the gicko inssurance commercials but it's still needed. Comix Zone - If this game got an HD remake it would be the greatest thing ever for me. Kirby Air Ride - Just make this game look like CoD graphics but with Kirby.

Info su Lance_
9 years ago
1 day ago
Giochi corso
Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
Ultima corsa 7 years ago
Felix The Toy
Felix The Toy
Ultima corsa 2 years ago
Crash Tag Team Racing
Crash Tag Team Racing
Ultima corsa 4 months ago
Raccoo Venture
Raccoo Venture
Ultima corsa 4 years ago
Flushed Away
Flushed Away
Ultima corsa 8 years ago
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly
Ultima corsa 8 years ago
A Bug's Life
A Bug's Life
Ultima corsa 3 months ago
Giochi moderati
Flushed Away
Flushed Away
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