South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics7 months ago

Hey everyone, sorry for making a second new post but this one will be used for any small optimizations that I (or you, if you would like to contribute) find.

This one that I found is in Collapsing Ruin. I noticed a path optimization and timed it for comparison:

This one is a bit difficult to pull off, but it can save some time in Jungle at Night (I slow this video down to x0.1 speed so you can hopefully see what is happening):

Bronkel piace questo
South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics7 months ago

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share something that I figured out. If you enter the King Louie fight with no boomerangs and no pea shooter shots left, King Louie will take an insane amount of damage from the Double Bananas.

  • No Pea Shooter shots: 17 Hits
  • No Pea Shooter Shots & Boomerangs: 11 Hits

I've started to change to the boomerangs at the start of Collapsing Ruins and throwing a boomerang on every jump that I make until I run out. Then I switch to the pea shooter and continue as normal.

Here's a video to show the differences and how I perform the Collapsing Ruins level:

JeeWee, Nudificaistrum, e Tegron ti piace questo
South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics1 year ago

Hey everyone, I was curious if any of you would be down to do some races sometime soon. We can try to find a day / time that works well for everyone.

If you're interested, just leave a comment of when would work best for you.

I'm thinking sometime during the weekend of September 22nd to the 24th might be a good time to try, that way we have time to work it in to our schedules.

South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics1 year ago

Hey everyone, I just wanted to share this clip with you all that happened during a stream by my friend FoxzyRae89.

This clip was found on the Disney Classic Games version of Aladdin, so I'm not entirely sure if it will work on the Genesis version. I think it is something that I will look into to see if it can help, anywhere.

I'm not sure if the clip only works through floors or if it will work through walls or any other areas, as well. I'll be doing some testing later and will post the results here.

Svipur e JamesNightstalker ti piace questo
South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics3 years ago

To be consistent, fair, and careful with banned runners' previous submissions, we will be removing all runs from the board. We do not condone whatever actions these speed runners chose to take, and the leader boards will reflect that we will not tolerate toxic, hateful, or any negative behavior in our community.

The links to these runners' removed submissions will be provided in this list to allow anyone that is looking for these runs to still be able to find them without much trouble.

This post will always be updated when a runner is indefinitely banned by the speedrun.com full moderators. It will also remain at the top of our forums.

Hibnotix, DickInDisguise e 2 Altri ti piace questo
South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics3 years ago

I'm sure that most of you know by now that one of our previous moderators has found themselves in the middle of some controversy. Many accusations are being thrown against this individual and evidence to support these accusations are being provided with or alongside many of the posts. Much of this information is freely and easily available in the speedrunning community on social media platforms, specifically Twitter.

If you do not know what has happened but would like to, please feel free to reach out to myself, @Stormy, @Carter44 or members of the community for a private conversation on this subject.

Due to the overwhelming evidence to back up many of the claims made, we (the TLK Genesis Moderators) have come to a consensus that this individual should no longer help with this boards' moderation.

Manipulation, Lying, Skewing the facts in favor of their narrative, moderation abuse, abuse against their own staff and helpers, Efforts to manipulate, shame, or guilt anyone that dares to speedrun the same game, let alone pass their personal best time on the leaderboards, and making newcomers not feel welcome or wanted, mainly due to the accused's actions and attitude, in this otherwise great community

We looked at these truths and more of the same keeps piling in against them. We decided that this is not someone we want to represent our community nor do we want them to have the ability to abuse their moderation powers again.

We made this decision and hold firm to it. We apologize that this was not a community based decision, but action needed to be taken before any sort of backlash or abuse could take place.

If our agreed upon decision upsets you, please don't hesitate to let us know any or all of your concerns pertaining to this topic.

My personal final words on this is that I hope a lesson has been learned and that changes for the better are in their future.

We thank you TLK community for your patience, understanding, and just being fantastic individuals.

Racc91, zantomun e 19 Altri ti piace questo
South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics3 years ago

As most of you know, we've recently had results showing that emulator and hardware speeds differ from one another. Emulator speeds are, for the most part, found to be faster than original hardware. Emulator speeds also differ depending on which emulator is being used.

We do not currently know how much faster ALL of the emulators are or have "accurate" differences between emulators and original hardware. We do have some semi-roughly estimated time differences of some emulators though, thanks to @estacaco.

This thread will be to discuss what we all think we should do to remedy this issue.

Currently, we have a couple of options that we could take:

  • Add time to emulator runs (depends on what emulator was used)

  • Split the board to contain both "Original Hardware" and "Emulator" tabs; each with their own "Easy", "Normal" and "Difficult" categories.

Please keep in mind that we will be taking the option that is mostly agreed upon. The board will not stay as it currently is so your voice is needed in this discussion.

If anyone has any other options that we could take, we would love to hear them from you. We're trying to find the most fair, reasonable, and accurate solution to take.

Something to take into consideration while discussing is that other Genesis boards on the SRC website are also going through this same issue, at the moment. Some of them have come to their own conclusions on what the best course of action was to take.

Also, if anyone would like to assist in finding the correct timing method for emulation, I will create another thread where we can post our findings.

Thank you all for your patience.


Form: https://forms.gle/NKXw9r7bmwDcYtbX6

Tomarrow e Bronkel ti piace questo
South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics3 years ago

Ok, so we have an open spot for another moderator and would like to invite anyone that wishes to fill this position in this thread.

If you decide you would like to become part of the TLK Genesis Moderation Team, please leave a post below with the following information:

  • How much time have you spent running TLK Genesis/Mega Drive? (Months/Years and doesn't have to be super consistent)

  • Reasons you believe you would be a good fit for the moderation team.

  • Do / have you moderate(d) any other board here on SRC? If you have but left or removed yourself, please leave a reason why unless you do not feel comfortable sharing that information.

  • How often are you involved with the community? Do you see yourself continuing to be involved with this community for the near future and beyond? (Not forever obviously)

  • Any extra details that you would like to add.

As soon as we have our list of nominees, I will create a poll and the link will be hosted in this post and I will also be posting it in the TLK Discord channel.


Polls will be available until December 22nd, 2020 @ 8:00 P.M. EST

Good luck to all.

8BitsOfJoy, Carter44 e 3 Altri ti piace questo
South Carolina, USAInsomnimatics4 years ago

Due to recent events, I would like to propose two new rules for this leader board. I'm sure many of you will agree with me that, at least one of these changes, would squash most of the doubt of any individuals' run and it will keep the board legitimate.

  • A live input display must be visible and the buttons must be mapped correctly within the recorded video if emulation is used.

An input display, which is not very resource heavy on PCs, would show us what buttons are pressed and when they are pressed. We could tell from that tool alone if a L/R input was used. We could also verify that the buttons are actually being pressed by comparing the movements of Simba and the timing of the buttons. If an individual is found pre-recording video and splicing in an input display or trying to fake an input display in any way, it will be grounds for removal/banishment from the board. At that point, it would obviously be deception.

I do see one problem with this method, though. Someone could potentially map their left or right direction button(s) to a secondary button in their emulator and not map it to the input display. This wouldn't be as obvious but just because an input display is on screen doesn't mean we won't be looking for illegal moves.

  • Certain emulators will be banned for certain functions they contain.


  • Only certain emulators will be allowed since they do not contain certain functions.

As an example, we'll look at BizHawk. Bizhawk is not just an emulator but it contains many tools that could be used for cheating. One of the major tools in BizHawk is the ability to make TAS (Tool-Assisted Speedrun) videos. Using this emulator would be sketchy in itself but emulators with known TAS functions should not be allowed.

Emulators that allow you to enable L/R inputs should be banned. BizHawk is an emulator that allows L/R inputs. Kega Fusion, for example, does not allow L/R inputs. I have tested L/R inputs on Kega myself and what it does is prioritizes left over right. This basically means that if you hold left and right at the same time, you will always just move left. There is also no way to activate the use of L/R inputs on Kega.

I have not yet looked into all of the emulators but I will look into as many as I can if we agree that this is a good way to go about it.

The problem that I see with this method is that I am not sure how to verify that a verified emulator was used. The only way I can think of is that the entire emulator window must be captured, not just the contents of the window. If anyone has any ideas or knows a good way to verify emulators, please let me know.

Please leave some input on any concerns or even some additions that I may have missed in this post.

8BitsOfJoy e Sarabi ti piace questo
Info su Insomnimatics
5 years ago
Giochi corso
The Lion King (Genesis/MegaDrive)
The Lion King (Genesis/MegaDrive)
Ultima corsa 1 year ago
Disney's Aladdin (Genesis)
Disney's Aladdin (Genesis)
Ultima corsa 8 months ago
The Jungle Book (Genesis)
The Jungle Book (Genesis)
Ultima corsa 3 months ago
Disney's Aladdin (SNES)
Disney's Aladdin (SNES)
Ultima corsa 8 months ago
The Lion King (SNES)
The Lion King (SNES)
Ultima corsa 4 years ago
QuackShot Starring Donald Duck
QuackShot Starring Donald Duck
Ultima corsa 10 months ago
Disney's Pinocchio
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Ultima corsa 3 years ago
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Ultima corsa 4 years ago
Giochi seguiti
Disney's Aladdin (SNES)
Disney's Aladdin (SNES)
Ultima visita 7 months ago
QuackShot Starring Donald Duck
QuackShot Starring Donald Duck
Ultima visita 7 months ago
The Lion King (NES)
The Lion King (NES)
Ultima visita 11 days ago
Toy Story
Toy Story
Ultima visita 6 months ago
The Jungle Book (Genesis)
The Jungle Book (Genesis)
Ultima visita 1 month ago
Loop Hero
Loop Hero
Ultima visita 4 months ago
The Lion King (Genesis/MegaDrive)
The Lion King (Genesis/MegaDrive)
Ultima visita 11 days ago
Rocket Knight Adventures
Rocket Knight Adventures
Ultima visita 4 years ago
Giochi moderati
The Lion King (Genesis/MegaDrive)
The Lion King (Genesis/MegaDrive)
Ultima azione 7 months ago