Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida3 years ago

I know for sure that menuing, like re2r and re3r feels different and is def faster/easier to do in higher fps and even some enemies respond differently like the 2nd gadult going to plug room, where is easier to dodge him at higher fps too. Since we have the 30fps strat to do some rooms and dodges we might have in the future stuff around 120fps+ that we dont understand/know yet. My suggestion is to actually prevent anything like that from happening, making easier for mods to organize and review runs.

A little extra is that pcs and consoles will be around the same routes and strats, both at 60 and not allowing to drop it to 30. eveyone will be running the same game without having to worry about handicaps and etc, i believe this will be more healthy (even for mods) and dont see any cons about it.

Xxcilo, Lobbo e 2 Altri ti piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida3 years ago

Any chance we can lock this run to 60fps, without pausing to change it?

My take is we ll be able to avoid any "pay2win" situation and get a more consistant standards for the whole run without pauses. Game is hard to run 120+ fps so if theres anything that 120 gets advantage it will cut a lot of ppl that can barely run this at 60.

Not really going to discuss anything, i know how it goes, just wanna leave my suggestion here to make ppl think a little bit.

Xxcilo, Lobbo, e pappgamer ti piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida4 years ago

yeah i agree that people can change, but once u call that a "bug" i dont see this as progress. about the topic again, your only hope for people to change it, is if umeda or some other runner that does the pause strat gets NG LAS or CAS. i dont see that happening anytime soon cuz there are a lot of other strats to master for those 2 cats for this pause to carry it, but its ur only chance to get pauses banned.

Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida4 years ago

Pausing on medallions is allowed but the problem imo with this run is that the video player goes fullscreen, so its like we dont have game footage for that moment. Its lame but it is allowed. Tbh im kinda confused right now, werent u the guy who used macros for eletronic panels and stuff?

TeaTotalTemplar, Orchlon e 5 Altri ti piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida4 years ago

"tbh, I had to stop reading your post, my vision was blurring a bit from my eyes rolling" u mad or smth boy? Yeah imagine a runner that held several 120 wrs against a runner u said ppl are afraid of (so i must have a saying from ur perspective) from re2r trying to give some love for ppl who doesnt have good PCs and try to make things even for everyone, must be a 3head brazilian guy for sure. Good talk as always.

TheNevs, giaNco e 4 Altri ti piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida4 years ago

About this thing.. "How did the RE2 120/60 split work out for you guys pushing for that then? Where's all the vocal people for that at? I wanna see your WR's. You were so damn concerned then that your elite skills would put you behind 120. Surely all those really vocal people have close to top times, yeah? Or was it a way to hide from Orcho and other people that just play 120?"

I ll use me as example.. If i couldnt handle 120 on RE2R, no way u ll see me running 60 and grinding for WRs there, cuz the first thing i want when competing is even ground with those im competing with. So please understand that some ppl might get motivated to grind and get better if they know theres a chance (no handcap at all).

Tbh this is kinda disrespectul in some way, like "you plebs should be happy about ur 60 LB and shut up, when u stop being a pleb yall can join our elite team". Like i said back then on RE2... RE speedruns shouldnt be about these few elite players and their streams, theres more to it.

Btw i dont see how that would be running from good players if might happen the exactly opposite, more ppl will join to fight them and be more motivated. I might be wrong and nothing changes, same players will be there and these new players will be at the bottom, but at least they had the chance.

TrichaelMan, Gamescan e 13 Altri ti piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida4 years ago

So i guess if it comes to "theres nothing else we can do cuz timer sucks" it would be better to go for less changes. Having 60/120, removals and stuff and still have the timer problem or just cap 60 and have the same results but easier for new ppl to understand the board and join.

NuZ piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida4 years ago

Ok so the bleed is what i was missing, got it.

Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida4 years ago

Im not getting something here, 60fps cap can solve the IGT problem cuz ppl will have the same time during cutscenes + solve the enemy behavior problem (like acid nemmy) + make it easier for low tier PCs + have a more organized (competitive too) LB. Why we still talking about 120 and removals? am i missing anything?

NuZ piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida4 years ago

I would vote for a fixed 60fps cap for all cats. Makes it easier to organize everything and can be even more competitive, maybe bring more ppl that didnt play RE2 to the board. Understand its better to play on higher fps and it looks better on streams, but i believe rules should be about whats better for everyone (or most ppl).

Hamo, TrichaelMan e 7 Altri ti piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

I can still ansewr questions if you guys have any about what was being proposed.

Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

I understand ur point Trance but maybe the reason they are not competitive is because ppl dont even know they exist. Thats why the main thing about this thread is to somehow promote other cats more than just 3 cats on main page. I didnt know about CE till last month when 1 viewer told me about it, wasnt for that i wouldnt be running it for the past month, so maybe there are more ppl who dont run those cuz these cats are on the corner.

Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

Guys, please, ppl are having questions about stuff ive said here like 2,3 times already. @Michelle_myBelle @Jadusable2 @ZealotHex

1- its NOT ONLY about putting PC and Console on the same thing, if Console players dont wanna be on the same board as PC players, IS TOTALLY FINE, ive suggested another idea by creating a TAB or using a FILTER under a CAT, but not having 1 CAT just for that.

2- I said about moving or deleting NG+ just because i came from the argument "maybe we can only have 6 slots on main page" and comparing to all other imo its the less appealing cat. If we have room for 7, of course we should have it too and dont just burn some ppl work.

Its all about trying to promote 6 different cats on main page instead of 3.

Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

Its cool @maxylobes , i understand.

Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

And NO, i dont wanna kill NG+, like i said to morelan, i thought we only had 6 slots on main page, so if we needed to kill one to put almost everything there it would be it. In understand yall and like u guys can see its almost the first time im using this forum (tbh i just keep running the game and dont think about everything else) so i didnt know if things had been brought up before and i hope you guys understand my side too.

Believe thats all for me, if you guys have any questions about what ive suggested i will gladly ansewr later.

Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

@maxylobes yo maxy! about the "explain why" thing, ive been talking with everyone about it and yeah if i wasnt clear enough on the original post its my bad but i ll bring the edited session here. " (EDIT2) The main thing here is that we have 3 cats getting 6 slots on main page cuz PC/Console thing when it could be just tabs and open these slots for other cats and maybe if ppl see these on the main page they will know they exist and start running them."

In short, we might be able to bring more ppl with a more simple and stacked board and make ppl who is already running the game run other cats too. Its not certain, like i said to Yossy, its just a suggestion, its cool, no problem.

Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

@Michelle_myBelle i agree, if 120 console happens in the future, well, we deal with them there. Its really just by moving console inside cats and not making a cat out of it.

Michelle_myBelle piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

@morelan The original idea is to have Console inside 60 Tab. Creating a PC/Console could be a solution for what u came up with (i dont wanna lose my bracelets and stuff), so you will have ur records/pbs on the Console tab (not competing with PC players) and we still have everything in 1 page.

trator_ensaboado piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

@morelan Ive uploaded and image on the original post, you might be able to understand what im suggesting. Just a reminder that the main goal with the suggestion is to have everything in 1 place, for it to be easier to everyone and maybe bring more ppl in by having a more simple way to show how things go.

morelan piace questo
Paraná, BrazilIgorAlmeida5 years ago

@mondomantra i understand, if we can put 7 cats and ng+ as one of them, sure, why not? I said about putting it aside starting from the point we only have 6 slots and if we had to put other cats in CE for this to happen. i dont believe it would be a great idea cuz all other cats require a bit more work imo.

About the "yo things should exist cuz i got wr/good times and put effort on it" , we should go for what michelle said and be more flexible in order to make things better for everyone. But again, if isnt going to be the best for everyone, of course it should be talked through.

Michelle_myBelle piace questo
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