discussione: Hollow Knight
The total is 26%:
To kill the Dreamers: 1% - Monomon 1% - Lurien 1% - Herrah 1% - Dream Nail
To get to the Dreamers: 1% - Uumuu 1% - Watcher Knights 1% - Vengeful Spirit 2% - Mantis Claw 2% - Crystal Heart (These are the %s a Low% non-TE run has)
To kill Traitor Lord: 1% - Hornet 1 2% - Mothwing Cloak 1% - Hornet 2 2% - King's Brand 2% - Shade Cloak 1% - Traitor Lord
To complete White Palace: 1% - Broken Vessel 2% - Monarch Wings 1% - Dream Wielder 1% - Awoken Dream Nail
Then, lastly, you have Void Heart itself, as 1 more %, adding up to 26%.
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