BrazilFern1101111 months ago

It seems that if you die and go back to hub, sometimes a glitch happens that lets you skip level 1

BrazilFern110112 years ago

It seems this game REALLY needs a server, would you all be interested?

iam_ready, DoffyMM, e SunShard ti piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

Hey everyone, so myself and a few others in the farming community have decided to put together an event to encourage players to play diverse games they hadn't played yet. Over the course of this next coming week (March 6th-13th), we will be tracking the games runned by the users who decide to participate, and see who can speedrun the most games over this time period. It's going to be a fun event that anyone and everyone can jump in on, so this should be a great opportunity to test games outside of your comfort zone.

You can play any game in the site, even the ones you already speedrunned before, you can play either Individual Levels or Full Game, the goal is to speedrun the most games in one week.

We prefer to not have hoarding at the start of the event. We do have methods to catch hoarders, and if caught, will have those runs removed from the count.

I hope users here find interest in testing out some new genres of games over the week, and give the event a shot. You can play any game in the site and we will track down everything using the API. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Yb2qS778vJ

Ivory, supercrazestar e 10 Altri ti piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

hi, can I be a series moderator?

Oh_my_gourdness piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

Hi, can you add android and iOS as a platform?

StarSpeed piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

I think this IL has the second and first place swapped, it happened because the second place filled the real-time instead of the IGT


StarSpeed piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

Do we need to reset the game to play a full game run, or we can use anything we have after completing the game?

StarSpeed piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

is it allowed to use the special bombs you get by playing online in the campaign levels? Because there are some really powerfull game breaking bombs, but they are hard to grind. What about the revive item is it allowed? And for world runs, do we need to play the bonus levels?

StarSpeed piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

to facilitate route making, here's a imgur post with all levels maps


StarSpeed piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago
  • Skip glitch : happens when you restart a level while the door opening animation happens. You will start in the second segment of the level with a IGT zero. This save time on IL, but none on Full Game.

  • Button Glitch : sometimes when you pass next a button the button will press without you falling on it.

  • Enemy Direction Glitch : sometimes when you restart a level the enemy will be facing the wrong direction and start walking to this new direction. There's a 50/50 chance of this happening in some levels when restarting.

  • Wall clip : sometimes the hamster will get stuck in a wall while warping from on bottom side of the screen to the top side.

  • Button Softlock : sometimes the button mechanism will not work even if all the buttons are pressed.

  • Shop Item Glitch : There's a small chance of starting a level with a shop item, like a master key, but this glitch lacks info about it and happened only once.

  • Falling Hamster Glitch : only happened on emulator, the hamster get in a position of falling while walking and you can always do the button glitch.

All of this glitches can be used on the any% category and can't on glitchless, if a run on glitchless uses one of this glitches, then the moderation team will move the run for the right category

StarSpeed e AslanTZ ti piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

Since there isn't enough differences between any% and 3 stars on Individual Levels, the moderation team decided to delete the category. 3 stars will continue to exist as a full game category, because getting 3 stars on every level right now is a challenge.

StarSpeed piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

this game has a lot of ties and speaking with AslanTZ, we decided we are going to start to use ms in the retiming. for IL the first frame will be when the controls appear, or when the retry menu disappear and the last frame will be when the menu appear. for Full game categories the first frame will be when the level appear and the last frame will be when the menu appear in the last level.

StarSpeed e AslanTZ ti piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

We posted a guide about the amount of Coins and Gems, this thread is to make suggestions and correct any information we got wrong in the spreadsheet.


StarSpeed, JDMI e 2 Altri ti piace questo
BrazilFern110113 years ago

we found some 100% runs of level 6 that didn't collected the hidden gem, so we are rejecting every run without it since it's not 100% in the video below you can see the hidden gem location:

StarSpeed, Buzzo01, e JDMI ti piace questo
BrazilFern110114 years ago

We had some problems on Christmas about retiming, so I am doing some changes in the leaderboards and mod team.

Glitches aren't allowed on 100% category anymore. because on mobile you could stop the timer doing glitches and then slowly collect everything, so we are banning glitches from 100%

Mobile runs will always use in-game time to IL, while web and mobile full game have 2 retiming methods to IL:

glitchless and 100%:


the first frame is the first frame where the bunny arms are in a horizontal position, which means he will start running.


the last frame is the first frame the flag pole animation begins, which means when that red circulated pixel appears.



the first frame is the first frame of the level fade in, which means the first frame where you can see anything of the level, like shown above, where the bunny's eyes was used as the first frame. We use this method because there's a glitch that let you starts playing the level while the level is still loading.

to not be considered a glitch, the bunny has to start running when we can see the first frame, any run where we can't see this frame will be considered glitched.

We will add the any% level skip categories and the any% NG as soon as somebody run them.

And we decided to have only 1 variable to time, so whatever timing your category use you have only one time to fill

we are working to fix all the leaderboards right now.

StarSpeed, Ketzaal, e TheNameless ti piace questo
BrazilFern110114 years ago

I noticed that in these leaderboards there are currently four different forms of retiming runs, each one considering a different last frame, generating confusion about the retime method and some advantages for those who are retimed with earlier frames.

So from now on the last frame considered in the retime will be the first frame in which the loading frog with 3 dots appears, so we can better time all runs.


I retimed every run on the leaderboard with this method and changed the rules to better specify the frames where the timer begins and ends.

StarSpeed piace questo
Info su Fern11011
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