AustraliaEira7 years ago

Can't we just start the timer when we start the campaign, do we really need setting up the glitch to be timed. Yes I understand that it does take time and there is some skill involved but it makes the early part of the run way too reset heavy, for instance if the battleship in the tutorial gets a bad roll and you bring the rockets down to only 3 health then you have to sit through 3 extra animations overall so you just reset. If you fail to destroy the submarine up top then you have to make an extra movement and move away from fire when you go to drop the t-Coppter. Plus if you get a map in the design map that starts you on the water then you have to make too many extra movements and thus usually restart or end up rather far behind.

The entire campaign doesn't have any of this as we just make the enemy yield right away and thus it's all just good menuing skills at that point. It becomes pure skill and removes the multiple RNG aspects all of which can cause resets or make a run fall behind from one that gets good RNG.

I'm not just saying this to instantly take the WR but becuase I've done over 100 runs in the past few weeks and setting the glitch up with a good time is ridiculously frustrating since sometimes you can go 3 runs in a row and have to reset simply becuase of bad RNG.

I suggest that we change the timer start time to when you select to start a new campaign, there's no real point to keeping that extra part when it's so RNG dependent. It would make the game way more fun to run.

AustraliaEira7 years ago

so this just happened for octogalaxy but I've seen it on a few other levels, where there are WR times that have been done since the rule change that don't use videos. just images and have taken the top times. I don't understand why this is allowed to happen, I know the point of changing it was mainly to lighten the work load of the mods but they should really look into the WR times to at least make sure they're actually using videos, becuase this has happened multiple times and I feel like the mods just don't care about ILs despite blatant rule breaking taking place.

jazZ_danN, Wheaty++ e 2 Altri ti piace questo
AustraliaEira7 years ago

If I submit a recording that isn't from a stream and done with like, my IPad camera facing my TV is that okay, or do I need a capture card and timers on screen and stuff (cause I also won't have any timers or splits on screen)

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