@KingKappa you don't happen to have a crt yet do you?
@santicop my definition of "good" is probably different from yours. My best run (glitchles) 5.57
I think that would be amazing! always wanted to do something like that.
I only have a single audio port on the tv wich is sad but at least I have one
Yea didn't even know av splitters where a thing now i can post speedruns on my crt
Why not just do crt?
You wouldn't need an av splitter because it has av to hdmi and usb-c for power & capture
I just got a soundbeast capture card and I'm pretty sure it's just my tv that has latency
Yes I know that that picture is before the axe is loaded because I took it
I always thought kosmic said Bruce. was I wrong?
My pictures were bugging out and wouldn't send and now they are all here
I wanted to do this for a while but never got to it and all it is is just for pictures.