I think your game is running as intended. You know how the the Horse Costume bounces all the time? Well that's not just an "idle animation", your sprite is actually leaving the ground. Since the game is programmed to only allow the characters to jump while they are touching the ground, your inputs will only register at the times you're not bouncing. It's VERY ANNOYING, and, aside from the Cloud Boss, is the worst thing about this game. Lol. I get around this by pressing/holding down anytime I want to jump with the Horse Costume. Fun note: this also can affect your ability to enter doors. XD
Unless everything on screen is experiencing slowdown, I pretty sure this is what's going on.
As a side note, you may want to switch to snes9x regardless if it's not your current emulator's fault. It was recommended to me when I started running, and has worked perfect ever since.
I submitted a run to little-known SNES game simply called "Tom and Jerry" (known here as "Tom and Jerry (SNES)" https://www.speedrun.com/tom_and_jerry_snes ). That was a bit over a month ago with no response form the mods. How does this work now? Am I to request to be a mod for the game? I'll do so if that's the standard procedure, but I've also been sitting on a better time than the one I submitted that's waiting for approval. Will it be okay to become a mod, approve my time, then submit another time and approve it immediately? (Neither are WR, or even Top 3, but I will be bumping someone with my second run.)
Sorry for not knowing my stuff. I just want my time damn it @_@ .